
Tucker Carlson, July 16, 2019, Tuesday

This might be the single best episode of Carlson's show I've seen. Every segment perfectly deconstructed the radicalism, anarchy and hatred of the Democrat/Left, both in Washington leadership and in the media, and leftist groups like Antifa.
In each case, the astonishing facts that are selectively omitted from the other netwworks.

Particularly at CNN, who actively cheer on Antifa violence, and refuses to comment on a program where one of their anchors gleefully praised Antifa and their brandishing of weapons, and even showed the Tacoma shooter who was shot dead by police as he shot up and firebombed a Tacoma, Washington ICE detention center.
CNN's news editor and executives: no comment.
Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley and Omar: no comment.
All absolutely refused to comment on or condemn an act of terror on police and ICE federal agents.

In point of fact, NOT ONE DEMOCRAT IN THE COUNTRY would condemn Antifa or the attack on the Tacoma center.
Who hates America? I'd say it's the Democrats and reporters who can't bring themselves to condemn or even comment on a terrorist attack on our country.

CNN can't even say they won't re-air the program that gushed with praise on the Antifa shooter.
But yeah, Democrats expend all their energy passing a condemnation of Trump's Twiiter post about the 4 craziest Democrat women in Congress, 240-187. Wow, these Democrats sure have their priorities straight.

Thank God they didn't, y'know, use that energy to pass a bill to stop a million illegal immigrants from entering the country this year, that have already cost U.S. taxpayers $146 billion, in not even the first 7 months of this year. Wow are these Dems on the pulse of what matters.

And by the way: in February Dems could have passed a bill for $5 billion to build border walls in the most vulnerable sectors that would have brought border crossings to a screaming halt. Not passing it has allowed illegal crossings to run rampant, and already cost $146 billion, roughly 15 times the cost. And the year is only half over. Thanks, Dems!