Sean Hannity, 7/16/2019 (replay at 1 AM)

Hannity likewise does a splendid job of pointing out the incredible hypocrisy of the Democrat leadership and their allies in the liberal media. Dems rail on Trump as "racist", even as the 2020 candidates,along with past racist ties and words of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and the current governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia are balls deep in racist/KKK/blackface and rape scandals. There is no longer even any call from Democrat leadership or the media for them to leave office! And yet they accuse Republicans of racism and corruption?

Virtually every 2020 Democrat presidential candidate has made public appearances with incendiary racist Al Sharpton.
Barack Obama appeared with Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and (black Hitler himself) Louis Farrakhan! This is a guy who said Adolf Hitler was a "great man", and openly praised genocide of the Jews, has damn near said the same thing of all whites, who he refers to as "white devils".... and not a word of condemnation from either Dems or the liberal media.
Likewise "hate America" Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose church Obama regularly attended for 20 years, who conducted Obama's wedding and baptism of his children, who Obama praises as his "spiritual mentor", who Obama quotes in his autobiography! Not a word of condemnation from the media.
Or the other assorted Klansman, racists, race-baiters and white-haters in the Democrat party.

That's just for openers. There are many other examples to cite of Democrat racism and hatred of America, 50 years ago, or within the last month.

Or Rep. Ayanna Pressley(D-MA), one of the "four horsewomen of the Apocalypse" who was been at the center of the media storm for the last few days, who said "We don't need more black faces who don't speak with black voices."
That's pretty damn racist. And it basically says that blacks don't have a right to politically disagree and be conservative, that they have to be liberal Democrats or shut up. Perhaps even implying a need to physically silence those who don't shut up. But somehow these comments are invisible to the liberal media, and selectively omitted from coverage, despite that this woman has been the lead story and front-page news for 3 days.

There's a lot of crossover between liberal race-baiting demagoguery, and liberals who hate America.