No, that's a fact, Democrats are literally repeating the Iranian foreign minister's talking points verbatim.

I've cited several polls where Democrats are far less likely to say they are patriotic or that the U.S. is an exceptional nation. They are less likely, or even comfortable, displaying the U.S. flag. They are far less likely to support police or our military, or border security. Particularly Democrats in Washington have a disdain for our military and cut funding for it at every opportunity.

Members of Antifa who attacked ICE facilities in both Oregon and Texas were literally verbatim shouting the same rhetoric as Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. House members Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were condemning the killing of Soleimani and attacking the Trump White House for killing him , condemning the attack within hours of Soleimaani's death (despite that his roadside bombs haves killed over 600 Americans, and maimed at least 2,000 more, and killed tens of thousands of others throughout the mid east.)
Iranian citizens are in the streets attacking their own government at risk of their lives, openly celebrating the death of Soleimani, while House and Senate Democrats, and CNN and MSNBC repeat the lying talking points of the Iranian government, in kneejerk opposition to Trump!

My observation is that (like rabidly vocal Democrat Lt. Col. Vindman making fun of the U.S. with Russian officials) the average Democrat thinks the U.S. is less sophisticated, and far from being proud or patriotic of the U.S., they would rather re-make the U.S. into a socialist European type nation (or Cuba, or Venezuela, or the former Soviet Union). Bernie Sanders in particular has praised all these communist states endlessly. Bernie Sanders while mayor of Wilmington for a decade in the 1980's had a Soviet flag on the wall of his mayor's office in solidarity with the Russians. What would he do to the United States if he were elected president? Radically transform it.
As Obama vowed to.

As the Clintons planned to:
HILLARY CLINTON, 2016: "It's important to have a public policy and a private policy." i.e., it's important to campaign on one thing, and pursue your secret socialist anti-American agenda once elected.

But SHHHHH! Be quiet, don't tell the American people the truth about your intentions until after the election. That is precisely the advice Barack Obama gave a few weeks ago to the 2020 Democrat candidates.

And remember Barack Obama's words to then-president of Russia Dmitri Medvedev: "This is my last election. I can be much more flexible after the election.'
Medvedev, eagerly: "I will transmit this information to Vladimir!"

Amazingly, no Democrat questions the open treason of any of these Democrat remarks. No House or Senate hearings to find out the meaning or actions that followed those remarks.

And it was the same after 4 years of Jimmy Carter as president. Former assistant Reagan defense secretary K.T. McFarland said that our military was dangerously unprepared after 4 years of Carter slashing military spending. To the point that F-16's whose job was to intercept aircrift coming into U.S. air-space did not have the feul to leave the ground and do an intercept.

How much more dangerously depleted after 8 years of Obama's slashing of military spending?
Questions no Democrat asks.

But yeah, Democrats are so patriotic...