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By the way, Doctor Evil's "mini-me" in the Austin Powers movies is a small version of himself. I don't recall the "flawed" part.

Trump calls Bloomberg "Mini-Mike" is a joke on Bloomberg's height, implying that he's so short he could be someone's mini-me. Trump has a gift for nicknames that stick.
"Little hands Marco".
"Low-energy Jeb".
"Crying Chuck."

Pocaahantas is my favorite, it really snaps Elizabeth Warren's boundless hypocrisy and her incredible whopper lies in full perspective. Warren is one of the most unnatural and genuinely creepy pod-people fake humans I've ever witnessed. So creepy, and yet holding such morbid fascination it's hard to look away from the hideous display. A woman with absolutely no Native-American DNA, who PRETENDED to be Cherokee, displacing some ACTUAL Native-American so she could earn a six-figure income at Harvard, making a lifelong profession of exploiting minorities and playing a minority victim, while enriching herself on the backs of actual minorities. Just incredible.

Well, I'm going to get... a beer!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
As for the actual topic what can I say, very happy to see mayor Pete do so well! I don’t think he could win but than again I’ve always been wrong on guessing who could actually win all the way back to Bill Clinton.

And I see even FOX is reporting that conservative trolls jammed the lines on caucus night adding to the problems they were already having. I’m glad they kept a paper trail and are not trying to rush out results and possibly duplicate what happened to Santorum back when Romney was incorrectly called the winner and it wasn’t corrected until much later.

I won't rain on your parade by deconstructing Buttigeig. His only experience is running a town of 100,000 (about the population of my own city of Boca Raton), that during his reign hemmorhaging jobs and residents, due to the spike in crime and decline in economic opportunity there. Buttigeig's policy has caused a maelstrom of crime, business decline, and racial tension. The black residents of South Bend don't seem to like the gay mayor much, nor do many of the white residents.

While he's intelligent, he's a cultural marxist who advocates expanding all the policies I cited above that would further destroy the country. Open borders, de-criminalizing illegals, healthcare for illegals, and other policies that similarly destroyed (or at best diminished) South Bend, Indiana.

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I’ve read up on Buttigieg and unemployment went down while he was in charge. He was also re-elected by a huge margin. He did not file for bankruptcy multiple times or have to dissolve any charities he ran. We don’t have to worry about him putting his son-in-law in charge of an Israeli & Palestine peace plan either. He hasn’t caught on with African Americans yet but I can remember Obama not winning them over right away either. It is something he will have to do to beat Trump though if he became the democratic nominee.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ve read up on Buttigieg and unemployment went down while he was in charge. He was also re-elected by a huge margin. He did not file for bankruptcy multiple times or have to dissolve any charities he ran. We don’t have to worry about him putting his son-in-law in charge of an Israeli & Palestine peace plan either. He hasn’t caught on with African Americans yet but I can remember Obama not winning them over right away either. It is something he will have to do to beat Trump though if he became the democratic nominee.

I love your hypocrisy. It's corrupt for Trump to appoint Jared Kushner to negotiate a middle east peace plan with Isael and the Palestinians becaause Kushner is a relative (despite that neither Trump or Kushner or Ivanka take any financial compensation for their wwork, and despite that Kushner seems to be doing better at negotiating a settlement than anyone has in 70 years.)

But Bill Clinton hiring his own wife Hillary Rodent Clinton to bully healthcare companies and the American public into a healthcare plan they didn't want, that's perfectly OK to you.

Also JFK hiring his brother RFK as attorney general.

Buttegeig never filed for bankruptcy (temporary) because he's never run a business large enough to have a cash flow problem. Legitimate and well-run businesses all the time have to borrow money through slow business cycles to remain solvent until business resumes. A problem salaried cultural marxist bureaucrats like Buttigeig could never imagine.

And from what I've seen and read, South Bend, Indiana under Buttigeig's reign has not fared well, less than stellar at best. And increased crime, and allegations of racism by police under Buttigeig's leadership, that he is apparently unwilling or unable to solve.



Pete Buttigieg is rising in the Democratic presidential polls on his rhetorical gifts, distinctive resumé and fund-raising prowess. But the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has so far largely received a pass on his government record from the press and even other Democrats. That isn’t likely to continue, and a good place to start is his trouble controlling violent crime.

Violence has dropped sharply throughout the U.S. over the past two decades as a result of improved policing, more incarceration and demographic changes. But crime rates have diverged among cities with similar demographics based on local policies. South Bend, with a population of 102,000 and poverty rate of 25%, has one of the poorer records.

Since Mr. Buttigieg became mayor in 2012, the city’s violent crime has surged 70% compared to about 10% Indiana-wide. Violent crime has declined 2% in the U.S. in the same period despite a transient uptick in 2015 and 2016 amid a backlash against police following the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

South Bend police say a change in how data was reported to the FBI in 2016 caused aggravated assaults to spike that year. But violence has continued to increase in the city while declining in other mid-sized cities in Indiana. Last year the violent crime rate in South Bend was higher than in Chicago.

Mr. Buttigieg says violence in South Bend is comparable to cities with similar poverty.
But the poverty rate in Evansville, Indiana, is 2.1 percentage points lower than in South Bend, yet its violent crime is about half as high.
Gary, Indiana, has a poverty rate of 36%, though its violent crime rate is 50% lower than in South Bend.
Violent crime in South Bend dropped during the recession and hit a nadir in 2012. But it has climbed since Mr. Buttigieg became mayor. This raises questions about competence and priorities because a mayor’s foremost responsibility is to protect public safety.

The causes are hard to pinpoint. But one persistent problem is a longstanding lack of trust between police and the community that Mr. Buttigieg hasn’t improved. He demoted the city’s first black police chief in 2012 amid an FBI investigation into his taping phone calls of white officers. Maybe the demotion was justified, but many in the community weren’t convinced.

The millennial mayor then hired a white police chief from New Bedford, Massachusetts., who shared his technocratic tendencies but was opposed by rank-and-file officers and the City Council. Mr. Buttigieg wasn’t able to build consensus, which might have eased racial tension. The new chief resigned after three years without progress reducing crime.

Current chief Scott Ruszkowski is well-liked by officers and minorities, but he has also failed to stanch the bloodshed or improve police morale. One reason may be the mayor’s progressive law-enforcement policies such as body cameras and implicit-bias training that have made officers wary of confrontation.

After a white officer fatally shot a black man in June, Mayor Pete rebuked police recruits: “In our past and present, we have seen innumerable moments in which racial injustice came at the hands of those trusted with being instruments of justice.” He also sent an email to campaign supporters saying “All police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism.”

That was a bow to the national social-justice left but it didn’t help morale among cops on the streets in South Bend. The city has struggled to recruit police officers and has 15 fewer than budgeted for next year. The shortage has made it harder to patrol communities and respond to calls.

Many potential recruits fail the required written exam, and they aren’t helped by South Bend’s schools. The city’s high school graduation rate has declined to 77%—about 11 points lower than statewide—from 83% in 2015. Failing schools may also be contributing to higher crime since most violence is perpetrated by young men who aren’t in school or employed.


In Wednesday’s debate, Mr. Buttigieg contrasted his experience in what he called a “small” city with the “small” politics of Washington. It was a shrewd play to become the fresh outsider voice. But the issue isn’t that South Bend is small so much as what he did with the opportunity to lead.

Mayor Pete served for eight years as an intelligence officer in the Navy, including seven months in Afghanistan, and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. But his government experience is limited to running South Bend. Democratic voters will want to inspect that record before they anoint him as the great millennial hope to defeat Donald Trump.

See also:

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lol, I guess you’re admitting you’re a hypocrite over Clinton? Or maybe you feel Bill should have had Hillary working on a peace plan instead? Oh and your party worked like hell to poison that healthcare plan. We could have had people getting better coverage a long time ago. Now we have Obamacare anyways. (more popular than Trump, lol).

And bankruptcy and charity fraud are not selling points for Trump. Of course with this job he can just run up the deficit. Soaring btw . And Trump has a long unflattering history of bad business and deceit that you ignore.

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How crime data can mislead in South Bend

Basically what wasn’t counted before as violent crime is now.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
lol, I guess you’re admitting you’re a hypocrite over Clinton? Or maybe you feel Bill should have had Hillary working on a peace plan instead?

The points that you either don't get or deliberateely dodged, are

1) that you and other Dems had no problem with appointing family, for decades by Democrats, and now that a Republican appoints Kushner and Ivanka, sunndenly you have a problem with that.

2) That unlike Hillary or RFK, Ivanka and Kushner are not abusing their power in a bullying and authoritarian way, the way Hillary did with healthcare, and RFK did to serve his family's interests. I've saaid it before, both JFK an LBJ used FBI to surveeil theirr enemies, and IRS to harass and audit their enemies. I read that Nixon was a bit astonished that he was investigated, for things it was common knowledge the two presidents preceding him had prteviously done without consequences.

3) Ivanka and Kushner, like Donaald Trump himself, take no salaries for their work, it is truly public service, without any personal gain. In point of fact, the Turmp family has taken a personal loss, and thus sacrificed to serve the public.

4) Unlike Hillary in particular, Ivanka and Kushner are yielding magnificent results from their work, to the benefit of the American public and the world. Ivanka established the contacts that secured the release of thousands of non-violent offenders to be released from prison and given a second chance at life. Ivanka has worked with businesses to create apprentice programs that will provide millions with a career path and better lives.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

Oh and your party worked like hell to poison that healthcare plan. We could have had people getting better coverage a long time ago. Now we have Obamacare anyways. (more popular than Trump, lol).

Lying scapegoatism on your part. Obamacare was already "poisoned" and failing before Trump was inaugurated. As I've cited maany times, Obamacare was designed by Obama and its architects to fail, so that when Hillary was presumed to be the next president, she could enact spending for nationalized insurance to replace it, destroying any vestiges of private healthcare. Like everything the Bolshevik Democrats do, it was forged in deception, and relied on the deception of the American public to implement it.
Or as Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber termed it, on "the stupidity of the American voter."

Yours is truly the party that hates America.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And bankruptcy and charity fraud are not selling points for Trump. Of course with this job he can just run up the deficit. Soaring btw . And Trump has a long unflattering history of bad business and deceit that you ignore.

The deficit is roughly the same as when Obama was in office. The majority of it for rebuilding our military that Obama destroyed. As I said prior, there were more deaths from military training accidents or inadequate field preparedness than there were deaths from actual combat when Trump was inaugurated.
50% of U.S. military aircraft were not combat ready.
Despite enormous defense obligations, our military was dangerously unprepared.

I suspect the kind of cuts necessary to balance the budget would have prevented Trump getting a second term, and that he will go after that in his second term, now that the military is restored.

Trump has already accomplished more than any president in at least 50 years, I cut him some slack for not tackling debt reduction in his first term. His focus was on more immediate problems left fo him by Obama.

As I already explored, Trump's temporary bankruptcy, 30 years ago, is a risk of any business, particularly something as high-finance as real estate. Trump has 4 $billion now, and has brought about $12 trillion in growth to the U.S. economy and the American people since his inauguration.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
How crime data can mislead in South Bend

Basically what wasn’t counted before as violent crime is now.

Buttigeig was challenged about this in last night's debate, and the consensus is that his response was unconvincing and inadequate.

Up to this point, Buttigeig has been able to get away with not having to defend his record as maayor. We are seeing that begin to change. A higher poverty rate (25%!) than the rest of his state. A higher ratio of crime and violence than the rest of his state. As detailed in the Wall Street Journal article I cited above.

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That debate question was specific on blacks being arrested more often on drug charges in South Bend. I do agree he will be tested more now than before as it should be but the article I cited did point to stats being increased because wider definitions were being used.

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The deficit btw isn’t roughly the same as when Obama was in office. It’s soaring. Tax cuts and increased spending does that. When you get back to demanding that it needs to be addressed I will know it’s bs. It’s only an issue when republicans don’t have the WH.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That debate question was specific on blacks being arrested more often on drug charges in South Bend. I do agree he will be tested more now than before as it should be but the article I cited did point to stats being increased because wider definitions were being used.

But it opened the door to Buttigeig's entire record.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The deficit btw isn’t roughly the same as when Obama was in office. It’s soaring. Tax cuts and increased spending does that. When you get back to demanding that it needs to be addressed I will know it’s bs. It’s only an issue when republicans don’t have the WH.

Like I said, Trump has already accomplished more in 3 years than any president in history, and the best record of any president on issues across the board of any president in 50 years. Better than Chinton or the Bushes, better than Reagaan even, and certainly far better than Obama.

So I give Trump a litle time to balance the budget. Trump has to win re-election to accomplish anything, and if he proposed cuts in his first term, he would have been demonized by the leiberal media and Dems as someone who "hates black and brown and poor people". Which by the way is what Dems said about Republicans from 2001-2008 every thime Republicans tried to prevent the housing bubble.

During Obama's term, the average annual deficit was between 1 and 1.4 trillion. And if your party was so interested in reducing the deficit, the House Dems wouldn't have extorted another $2 trillion in social spending to allow Trump to get 700 billion to rebuild the military.
Only when Obama raised taxes did the annual deficits fall below 1 trillion annually. But then Obamacare was implemented, and that instantly added another 2 trillion in annual debt in a category hidden outside the official budget.

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You always give republicans a break that’s why I don’t take you seriously on the deficit. Republicans always end up blowing up the deficit and are only interested in reducing it if they don’t have the WH. Bush Sr was the last republican President that actually took it seriously and the greatest economic expansion started towards the tail end of his term. Your party since sucks at paying the bills and winning the popular vote for the top office.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That debate question was specific on blacks being arrested more often on drug charges in South Bend. I do agree he will be tested more now than before as it should be but the article I cited did point to stats being increased because wider definitions were being used.

But it opened the door to Buttigeig's entire record.

Well being towards the top that was going to happen anyways. So far I think he’s doing good but honestly think Bloomberg is probably the best bet right now. Still early though obviously.

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If Buttegeig were a Republican, his entire record would have been slammed since the first day he announced. Just ask Dr. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Herman Cain or Rick Santorum. These guys got blasted from the day t hey announced, with a waiting salvo from the liberal media waiting to fire the moment they announced.

Compare with Obama, who even after completing roughly 2 years of primaried in 2007-2008 and 8 years in office, *was never* fully vetted by the liberal media. His socialist/marxist ideology, his membership in the marxist Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Derrick Bell, the racist rants of wife Michelle Obama, Obama's marxist advisors such as Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Marl Lloyd, marxist and anti-american and muslim radical lawyers appointed to Obama's DOJ, many of whom are still there, moles boring away destroying from within.

Over 10 years in the national spotlight, and the liberal media has still not explored what they unleashed in *ONE DAY* against any of these Republicans.

Likewise with Buttigeig, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren. The liberal media could rip any of them open like a Pinata if they wanted to. But instead the media are protecting them.
Vive le resistance!

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Republican’s have an entire network devoted to your party’s propaganda. Anything not as devoted and loyal is dubbed an enemy to the country. Sad that a free and independent media is under attack every day because it’s not a dependable propaganda delivery system for the gop.

As for experience, I’m good with Mayor Pete’s. More would be nice but he’s already shown a level of maturity and discipline that Trump just doesn’t have.

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Looks like Mayor Pete won the most delegates in Iowa. A bit to early for Mitch and Lindsey to get an investigation going

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Republican’s have an entire network devoted to your party’s propaganda. Anything not as devoted and loyal is dubbed an enemy to the country. Sad that a free and independent media is under attack every day because it’s not a dependable propaganda delivery system for the gop.

Uhh... yeah. It's called documented evidence and the statistical facts, that I've sourced abundantly.

It's your side that has vicious lie sites like MediaMatters and DailyKos, and Vox, and, that are completely devoted to lying narrative that benefits your party and hides the facts.

It's your side that worships Marxism, and people like Mao, and Che Gueverra and Hugo Chaves and Castro. Your party's leading candidate Bernie Sanders has for decades sung his praise for the Soviet Union, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chaves, and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, even as he over those same decades railed on the U.S. as a racist and unfair place. He spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union! He kept a Soviet flag on the wall in his Wilmington, Vermont mayor's office for 10 years!

Yours is the party that rages on police, and military, and Border Patrol guards and INS.
Yours is the party of demonizing our nation's founders as racists, and getting rid of holidays in their honor.
How can you possibly spin that as truth or patriotism to defend our nation? Yours is the party of DESTROYING America. Absolutely without question.

When I listen to the liberal media, it's like watching Pravda. It's terrifying that almost the entire media is hell-bent on destroying the country, in paving the way for your party's envisioned cultural marxist utopia. The new socialist order.

I noticed that unapologetic bias begin with Bush's election in Nov 2000. It intensified in the 2004 and 2008 elections. And beginning with 2016 you've seen the full-on media insurrection unleashed on an elected U.S. president Trump.
Combined with an internal coup by FBI, DOJ, CIA, the FISA court, the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Obama administration.

I don't know how you can possibly buy the shit sandwiches they're feeding you, M E M. Democrat zombies who welcome the destruction of the United States.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As for experience, I’m good with Mayor Pete’s. More would be nice but he’s already shown a level of maturity and discipline that Trump just doesn’t have.


Please! The guy has been mayor of a rural third-rate town of barely 100,000 for almost 8 years, and in that time has spiked crime and violence, and managed to furiously piss off half the population there, as well as his own police department (cited and sourced.)

Trump by comparison was the owner and CEO of a $4 billion construction corporation for over 40 years, doing business in 20 nations worldwide. He has met world leaders, long before becoming president. Trump was close friends with the Reagans and the Clintons, has belonged to both parties, has been both a contributor and a participant in decades of presidential elections prior to running himself, as well as to House, Senate and local elections and candidates.

And as a result of that experience, with both parties, Trump has overseen the most accomplished presidency in at least 50 years: created the lowest unemployment in every demographic group, rising wages, multiple re-negotiated trade deals with virtually every major nation, and rebuilding our military, while simultaneously avoiding wars.
In only his first 3 years!

You Democrats praise Bolton now, but if Trump had listened to Bolton instead of firing him, we'd be in a costly war with Iran now. Trump has dodged multiple attempts by both Iran and North Korea to provoke all-out war. Against the advice of the NSC and his generals. Buttigeig would have followed the herd and gone to war.

Buttigeig at the very least is very inexperienced and not equipped to think for himself rather than the Republican/Democrat establishment that has tried every last dirty trick to press Trump into the same policy as 30 years of presidents before him, by persuasion, blackmail (Comey), intimidation and attempted removal. Buttigeig would be a return to a president who takes the payoff and returns to the bidding of establishment/globalist/ Wall Street advisors. And even the Bernie Sanders voters can see that, chanting "Wall Street Pete".

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Looks like Mayor Pete won the most delegates in Iowa. A bit to early for Mitch and Lindsey to get an investigation going

And that wasn't a blatantly rigged election, for the establishment of your party to deprive Bernie Sanders of the win?
Wake up.

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A little bit more about Mayor Buttplug and the Iowa Caucus voting problems:

A dark money operation funded by billionaires is behind the app that delayed Iowa’s voting results, Max Blumenthal reports.


By Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone

At the time of publication, 12 hours after voting in the Democratic Party’s Iowa caucuses ended, the results have not been announced. The delay in reporting is the result of a failed app developed by a company appropriately named Shadow Inc.

This firm was staffed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaign veterans and created by a Democratic dark-money nonprofit backed by hedge fund billionaires including Seth Klarman. A prolific funder of pro-settler Israel lobby organizations, Klarman has also contributed directly to Pete Buttigieg’s campaign.

The delay in the vote reporting denied a victory speech to Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presumptive winner of the opening contest in the Democratic presidential primary. Though not one exit poll indicated that Buttigieg would have won, the former mayor South Bend, Indiana, took to Twitter to confidently proclaim himself the victor.

(much more at link)

So the election that Buttigeig was declared the winner of, declared Buttegeig the winner in Iowa, after very odd voting irregularities due to a voting "Shadow" app. An App run by one of Buttigeig's largest campaign donors.
How about that?

Despite that Bernie Sanders got 6,000 more votes.

And further staffed by many Obama and Hillary veteran campaign staffers who didn't want Bernie Sanders to win. The same people who didn't want Bernie Sanders to win in 2016, and rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton back then.
How about THAT?

Gee, what are the odds they'd rig the vote against Sanders again?

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Pretty amazing seeing Buttigieg do so well! And Klobuchar definitely had a bounce from Iowa and her debate performances. Sanders is still doing good but I don’t think as good as 2016. Warren and Biden are not having good nights. It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better. I really think Trump got himself impeached for nothing, lol

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It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better.

I honestly think Biden is suffering from some dementia or something. I say that with sympathy. He doesn't seem like the same guy who was VP.

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Warren and Biden are both on the way out.

Buttigeig and Klobuchar are gaining votes from those who have dropped support for the above two.
I think in the end it will be Sanders and Bloomberg. And maybe Sanders, Bloomberg and Klobuchar in the last three. But in the end Bloomberg, because he's the only sane halfway moderate choice who can attract moderate Democrats and compete with Trump in the general election.

To review, ALL the Democrat candidates for months have openly supported:

* de-criminalizing and/or amnesty for illegals.
* Government-funded HEALTHCARE for illegals
* Sanctuary cities
* the Green New Deal (with at least a 60 trillion-dollar pricetag)
* nationalized healthcare (with at least a 30 trillion pricetag), and in doing so ending private healthcare for 180 million privately insured Americans.

And I don't recall where each stands on these issues, but most or all support:

* de-criminalizing drugs, which would double or triple the number of drug addicts and cause federal, state and local government have to pick up the tab and pay for the damage caused. To say nothing of the thousands of innocent citizens who will suffer murder, beatings, drunk driving injuries, theft from these addicts, and suffer disease from these addicts.
* Allowing illegals to vote, either overtly or from deliberately unenforced laws that allow illegals to vote.
* Stacking the Supreme Court with liberal judges to make conservatives a minority.
* Eliminating the electoral college that our founders put in place to prevent just a few population centers from smothering representation for the rest of the country.
* Allowing criminals to vote in jail! (seriously!)

I've heard Buttigeig express support for de-criminalizing drugs, eliminating the electoral college, and stacking the supreme court within the last 2 days.

And I suspect that even the 2020 candidates who don't openly support these things would passively allow them to be implemented, if elected president.

Just like Obama didn't openly support them, but paved the way for them with an Obamacare that was calculated to fail and collapse, paving the way for a President Hillary Clinton to bail it out and replace it with nationalized healthcare.
And like Obama gave amnesty to children of illegals to deliberately create a growing tidal wave of illegals, that only Trump has been able to stop, and I doubt any other Republican or Democrat as president would have the resolve to do so.
And similar deceitful incremental erosions by Obama to undermine religious freedom, gun ownership rights, and forcing Christians and others to endorse and participate in things like gay marriage and abortion/birth control against their will.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better.

I honestly think Biden is suffering from some dementia or something. I say that with sympathy. He doesn't seem like the same guy who was VP.

He was always gaffe prone but I think they might do more damage these days as he looks ancient. Sanders literally just had a heart attack and he looks younger.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2020-02-12 1:26 AM.

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And surprisingly, within the last hour, Yang and Steyer both ended their campaigns tonight.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better.

I honestly think Biden is suffering from some dementia or something. I say that with sympathy. He doesn't seem like the same guy who was VP.

He was always gaffe prone but I think they might do more damage these days as he looks ancient. Sanders literally just had a heart attack and he looks younger.

I'll give Sanders this much, a guy who has a heart attack and then goes right back out and campaigns has remarkable determination.

Over the last 20 years, the more I've learned about Biden, the less I've liked him. Unquestionable corruption and enrichment for himself and his family off his positions as both Senator and Vice President (see just the opening chapter of Michelle Malkin's 2010 book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION). Biden's vicious race demagoguery and stoked division, combined with his creepy sexual behavior, even toward secret service agents assigned to protect him. I thought Biden was vile toward both Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the VP debates in 2008 and 2012. And with Obama he aligned himself with cultural marxist destruction of the country for 8 years.

Biden is 77 years old and a rich man. After being vice president, he had the legacy of having been VP,he should have ended it there.
Biden has neither the strength nor the vision to be president, let alone to campaign. If he'd just let it end in Jan 2017 when he left office, his legacy would be a lot brighter.
But his weird craziness, combined with his 50 years of corruption that have been brought to light by his campaign will be the things remembered about him now. Ultimately, his own party opened this whole Ukraine thing up with the plan to sacrifice Biden, to destroy him, just to take out Trump. But Trump is still standing and stronger than the day he was elected, and Biden is gone.

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Yea yeah, trials without witnesses are the bestest and most fairest. I will say Trump’s attempt to get Biden actually increased my support for Biden but I don’t think his firewall is really going to be there and he probably is done for. It’s not going to get easier when Bloomberg gets in

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better.

I honestly think Biden is suffering from some dementia or something. I say that with sympathy. He doesn't seem like the same guy who was VP.

He was always gaffe prone but I think they might do more damage these days as he looks ancient. Sanders literally just had a heart attack and he looks younger.

Agree he was always gaffe prone but the gaffes seem more bizarre and the way he speaks is much more halting and stumbling to me.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yea yeah, trials without witnesses are the bestest and most fairest. I will say Trump’s attempt to get Biden actually increased my support for Biden but I don’t think his firewall is really going to be there and he probably is done for. It’s not going to get easier when Bloomberg gets in

I think a fair argument could be made that the impeachment actually made people aware of Bidens Ukraine problem and may have actually hurt him more than it hurt Trump in the long run.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yea yeah, trials without witnesses are the bestest and most fairest. I will say Trump’s attempt to get Biden actually increased my support for Biden but I don’t think his firewall is really going to be there and he probably is done for. It’s not going to get easier when Bloomberg gets in

I think a fair argument could be made that the impeachment actually made people aware of Bidens Ukraine problem and may have actually hurt him more than it hurt Trump in the long run.

Maybe, personally it worked the other way for me. Sending your own lawyer down to push for an announcement of an investigation and be the point man is to me an obvious ethical conflict of interest right there. Right now with what’s going on in the DOJ isn’t good btw.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

And surprisingly, within the last hour, Yang and Steyer both ended their campaigns tonight.

I’ll miss Yang

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Maybe, personally it worked the other way for me. Sending your own lawyer down to push for an announcement of an investigation and be the point man is to me an obvious ethical conflict of interest right there. Right now with what’s going on in the DOJ isn’t good btw.

That wasn't overly clear. I figured out you're referring to Giuliani going to Ukraine. Giuliani wasn't in Ukraine to pressure Zelensky, Giuliani was there to investigate the true facts. Facts that were freely given by the Ukraine government to FBI, DOJ and State Department over the last year, that were suppressed by Democrat/pro-Hillary deep state operatives in those federal agencies. Giuliani had to travel to Ukraine and speak to witnesses firsthand to get the true facts that were buried, for years, by those Democrat moles.

LISA PAGE: Trump isn't going to be president, right? RIGHT?!?
STRZOK: No. No, he won't. We will stop it.

Similarly in the White House NSC, where the new National Security Advisor has recently fired or transfered out 70 of the 230 NSC staffers, including Alexander Vindman and his brother.
While Obama was still president, Robby Mook deliberately ballooned the NSC to 230, way higher than it had ever been, for the clear purpose of creating Democrat influence and rat-capability/leaks within the Trump White House. Which explains the obscene amount of leaks that occurred in Trump's first year from the NSC.

Trump has finally eliminated that treachery.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yea yeah, trials without witnesses are the bestest and most fairest. I will say Trump’s attempt to get Biden actually increased my support for Biden but I don’t think his firewall is really going to be there and he probably is done for. It’s not going to get easier when Bloomberg gets in

I think a fair argument could be made that the impeachment actually made people aware of Bidens Ukraine problem and may have actually hurt him more than it hurt Trump in the long run.

Maybe, personally it worked the other way for me. ...

You are nothing if not consistent

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Just being honest. If I thought Trump’s efforts to get Biden actually worked I would have no problem with blaming Trump. Watching the debates I just didn’t see a strong Biden and the gaffes just not as easy to brush off.

Mayor Pete didn’t win but has the most delegates at this early stage. I suspect that will change but it’s been really cool seeing the gay guy doing so well. After Obama maybe this country could elect an openly gay person for President?

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If I were Donald Trump or a newspaper editor, and I had a way with clever nomenclature, I might print or tweet the headline:


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Bill Clinton chief strategist James Carville: "Not impressed" by Democrat candidates.
"Why is Tom Perez still chairman of the DNC". "Can't act like this is going well!"


The Democrat party is so poisonously marxist/leftist that no decent candidate can run or get the nomination.
As James Webb showed in 2016.
As John Delaney, Joe Sestak, and Tim Ryan have shown in 2020.

I love Carville's rant about how Democrats have alienated working-class Reagan Democrats because of the DNC's fanatic lurch to the marxist lunatic left in support of gender-neutral bathrooms, wanting to champion inmates voting from their prison cells, open borders and healthcare for illegals. Carville rightly says even Democrat voters are terrified and repelled by that agenda.

But, y'know, why help the cultural marxists figure out a better way to lie to and deceive the American people? Let them crash and burn.
Barack Obama himself has advised the 2020 "can't-idates"(borrowing from Greg Gutfeld) to not mention their true agenda while campaigning. (i.e., follow the model of Bill Clinton in 1992 and the Barack Obama model in 2008: LIE to the American people, PRETEND to care about what's important to the people, and once elected pursue your true radical nation-destroying agenda.
Or as Hillary Clinton was caught saying to Clinton Foundation donors in Brazil in 2016: "It's important to have a public policy and a private policy." Which again is borrowed from Marxist RULES FOR RADICALS author Saul Alinsky.

The Democrat party winning and pursuing its true agenda is completely built on deceiving the American people.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

And surprisingly, within the last hour, Yang and Steyer both ended their campaigns tonight.

A correction, of what I either mis-heard or what I accurately quoted that was mis-reported:

Steyer is still in the campaign.

And it is Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet, and also Deval Patrick who dropped out that night, before the Iowa Caucus vote was fully counted.

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I’ll be honest that I have never been right with who could get elected all the way back to mock voting in elementary. I picked Ford. Actually agree with a lot of what Carville is saying. To be clear though that doesn’t include your take on it WB.

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I'm not clear where your perspective diverges from mine on Carville's common-sense advice for running a pragmatic campaign.

I've said it before, but while too young to vote then, I've been politically aware since 1975-1976. If I could have voted at that age, I would have supported Jimmy Carter. I liked his optimism for the country and sincerity and Christian faith. But he proved to be weak and indecisive as president, and did a lot of damage to the economy and to national pride in his 4 years. In retrospective his ideology was globalism at the cost of Americanism and American sovereignty. His national security advisor was Brzezinsky (his daughter is Mika on Morning Joe) and Brzinsky and Rockefeller were the co-founders of the globalist Trilateral Commission, an ideology Carter clearly bought into himself.

In 1980, Reagan was the clear choice for me, no contest. I've never been so confident of the right direction of the country than under Reagan.
Again an easy choice in 1984.

G.H.W. Bush was again the obvious choice in 1988, on paper the most qualified man ever to run for president. This was actually the first presidential election I voted in. Although Bush was a disappointment, campaigning as a conservative and governing as a moderate and globalist, racking up debt, raising taxes and breaking his most firm campaign promise.
And in retrospect possibly setting the stage for and fighting an unnecessary war: A diplomat's statement in 1990 that the U.S. would not defend Kuwait is arguably what emboldened Saddam Hussein to do so when he otherwise would have been deterred from it if that was not said. It's possible that was an unplanned error, or that it was done to deliberately provoke a war. In late 1991, Bush also encouraged the Kurds and Shi'ites to rise up, and then ordered U.S. forces to stand on the sidelines and let them be slaughtered in the tens of thousands by Saddam Hussein's forces.

I voted Perot in 1992 and 1996, for the purposes of 1) pushing the Republican party further right and a return to Reagan conservatism if they wanted my future vote, and 2) to build a 3rd-party alternative to both the Democrats and the Republicans.

In 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader, and in retrospect I would have voted Pat Buchanan, if I was better versed in his views at that time. Nader in retrospect was too left-aligned for me. And at that point I gave up on third-party candidates as just throwing away my vote. At the time I started going third-party in 1992, Perot got 19%, a real viable alternative. But by 2000 and since, third parties now get 1 or 2% at most. Useless, except as maybe a way of saying "none of the above".

in 2004, as the better alternative to the impossibly leftist and pacifist Kerry, I voted W.Bush for his second term. And while he wasn't my kind of Republican, too globalist/establishment, he still on the net did more right than Al Gore or Kerry would have.

I think 2008 was the last time I seriously considered a Democrat. And really since back to 2004, the Democrats have lurched to the crazy/anti-American/globalist/socialist-marxist/open-borders Left. It just took me till 2008 to fully realize that was a permanent change. David Horowitz's book THE SHADOW PARTY explains why.

Up till 2008, I gave serious consideration to Democrat candidates, despite that I ultimately went Republican or independent. But since then, the Democrat/Left has made clear they are hell-bent on destroying and "radically transforming" America, into something non-white and non-capitalist.
And since that time Democrats have not only been a party that I disagree with, but one that is openly hostile to what I value and who I am ethnically. And Democrats are increasingly open about wanting to harm and destroy those who are white, conservative, Christian, capitalist, or all the above. Or at the very least, the less radical Democrats are willing to pander to and enable those who do.

I frankly don't know how anyone could support the current Democrats, when their vision for the country is to destroy what currently exists. As Lou Dobbs terms it, they have become the party of hate. Hating America, and hating anyone who would preserve it. And ironically in the process, branding themselves the true patriots.

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