Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Sorry if that wasn't clear:

a. "Red Mirage" means the premature conclusion that early counted votes mean a decisive GOP win;
b. The rise in Dem votes through postal ballot count has apparently shocked the GOP;
c. The GOP is litigating with the objective of restoring the outcome which manifested as the Red Mirage.

...Is circular reasoning now encouraged in the court room?

The rate of progression in the vote totals was red prior to the states freezing the system(s), therefore it must necessarily qualify as a Red Mirage...I feel dirty just sounding out the reasoning.

We don't have to rely on news organizations to observe the voting tallies over time. We can observe them using our own common sense without specious conceptualizations given cultural prevalence by private organizations operating under a banner of authority that was never actually given to them.

At the risk of you rage-quitting the board for another four years, should I post the picture of Plato's Cave again?

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
I've got to say I've shifted my views on Fox's reporting, at least on its website.

Yeah, people tend to like what they say when they find their projections palatable.

I don't think I've paid attention to mainstream news for, at least, seven years.