I'm not attempting to be snide, Dave. Your approach to this just literally blows my mind. Did I charge right out the gate to attack you? No. Think about that for a moment.

There's no way for me to say this without it being construed as reductive or inflammatory from certain angles, but...What your saying insults my intelligence.

The numbers are right there in front of US. The suspicious spikes that occurred in the dark are documented for US to analyze. Yet it is your position that any interpretation we are even allowed to make must be filtered through the lens of media organizations with behind-the-scenes agendas far removed from our purview. That's ludicrous. You are outright saying we should flip our common sense switches to "off".

We traded words regarding this very topic four years. I said that your outside analysis of the sociopolitical situation hamstrung your ability to see that Trump had a great advantage despite media flourish. You immediately blew me off. But I was right.

And now, what's happening? Your blowing me off again in favor of an uroboros strategy. Using the Overton Window as a shield against the very perception that the Red Mirage is a construction designed to keep people from the truth.

You say I haven't looked at the other side? Have you? From where I'm standing, you haven't changed at all.