Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If Trump had proof he would take it through the courts. Instead it is the usual shit fest with him. For Covid the pos lied and compared it to the flu. For the election we get lies about voter fraud. All legal votes need to be counted and with the goal to not disenfranchise voters.

What do you think the 600 lawyers volunteering for Trump are for, M E M?

As usual, you're parroting the lying propaganda of the Democrat Bolsheviks. Republicans are absolutely pursuing legal action, and Democrats are trying to prevent it. Because if allowed to investigate the elections records, the records will show all the ways Democrts rigged the election.

Just as your side lied about Trump "Russia collusion" and Adam Schiff, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch and others deliberately misrepresented what was said in closed-door House hearings, alleging to CNN there was proof of guilt, when in closed door testimony they said the exact opposite, that they saw no evidence of that.

Just as your side lied to create a Mueller special investigation, and knowing immediately there was no basis, still prolonged it 2 years to influence the Nov 2028 elections in the Democrat favor.

Just as your side lied about the Trump phone call to Ukraine, and choreographed a fake impeachment over it.

Deception is the first and last resort of the Democrats at every turn. And now your side has been exposed. AGAIN.

I recognize trump was able to block all the evidence with the aid of a senate controlled by republicans but the impeachment was real and happened. He was impeached. Are we turning the corner on Covid WB? You worship a liar who has a lot of blood on his hands. Biden is going to inherit a huge mess. And you seriously suggested throwing out all the votes after 2am after election day. You can call people names all you want but it is clear that you and other trumpsters would steal this election if you could. Unlike other elections where things blow up in partisanship I now know how far you and others would go. Democracy is truly your enemy. I will not forget that and I pray the majority of the country does not either.

Fair play!