Sunday Morning Futures, Rep Kevin McCarthy - Nov 8 2020

Even leading a Democrt majority from 2018-2020, Nancy Pelosi had trouble getting enough Democrats to support and pass her legislation. McCarthy says that it will be even more difficult to do so in the new House in January for Pelosi, now that her majority has thinned so much. And that Dem leadership blames Pelosi, so she will have a hard time keeping her leadership as Speaker. As Rep Spammberger and others said in a leaked conference call of House Democrats, Pelosi's support of "defund the police" and BLM/Antifa is what "killed us", and if Dems continue to support these positions "we're f---ed in 2022 as well."

More important, Rep. McCarthy cites that what was supposted to have been a "blue wave" blew up in the Democrats' faces, that Republicans held the Senate, and have made gains in the House. That it doesn't make sense to be given a clear mandate for Republicans in the Hosue and Senate, and then for voters not to have re-elected Trump as well. What we saw on election night with Trump getting electoral victories in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia was the true will of voters, and it was only the exact vote counts of victory to be totalled up. And then after 2 A M on election night there were huge dumps of illegal votes for Biden to turn the tide in almost all those states. As I detailed above, there are multiple ways that outcome just doesn't make sense, and was Democrat fraud.

And Arizona was prematurely called fpr Biden, when there are still large precincts that are heavily Republican that are expected to turn it red. Like Florida in 2000, Arizona was prematurely called as a Democrat victory, as psychological warfare to discurage Republican voters. Pennsylvania, which was 690,000 votes in Trump's favor, but wasn't called for Trump? and yet Arizona that was far more in play was called for Biden? It just doesn't make sense.