Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hillary called trump the night of the election and conceded the next day so don’t even bother with your partisan bs. The Obama administration also tried its best for a smooth transition like W had done for them. There is simply no comparison to the low trump is reaching with this transition. All this while thousands die of Covid while many others are out of work looking for a job during a pandemic.

You're so full of shit, M E M.

It's well documented (and I quoted and linked it in the Election Day 2016 topic), that Hillary Clinton was in an apoplectic rage on election night 2016. In such a rage that she phyisically attacked two of her closest aides, John Podesta, and Robby Mook. It was under pressure from those in her own party that Hillary Clinton gave a phone call to Trump on election night, but she was mentally incapaable of going on stage that night to personally concede. It was a distraught John Podesta who came out on stage to say Hillary would NOT concede that night. (So you flatout lied, M E M) That is how mentally unbalanced Hillary was that night. She couldn't even come out to thank her campaign workers for their efforts, to even provide that basic courtesy to her supporters.


According to the authors of Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign, by late Tuesday night the White House had concluded that Trump would win the election. Obama's political director David Simas called Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook to persuade Clinton to concede the election, with no success. Obama then called Clinton directly, citing the importance of continuity of government, to ask her to publicly acknowledge that Trump had won.[367] Believing that Clinton was still unwilling to concede, the president then called her campaign chair John Podesta, but the call to Clinton had likely already persuaded her.[368]

After networks called Pennsylvania for Donald Trump, putting him with 264 electoral votes while he had a five-point lead in Arizona, which gives eleven electoral votes that would put Trump above the majority of 270, Clinton realized she had no chance to win the election and called Trump early Wednesday morning to concede defeat.[369] Clinton was unable to make a public concession that night, as she had no concession speech written.[370]

On Wednesday morning at 2:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), it was reported that Trump had secured Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, giving him a majority of the 538 electors in the Electoral College, enough to make him the president-elect of the United States,[371] and at 2:50 a.m. Trump gave his victory speech.[371]

Later that day, Clinton asked her supporters to accept the result and hoped that Trump would be "a successful president for all Americans."[372] In his speech, Trump appealed for unity, saying "it is time for us to come together as one united people", and praised Clinton as someone who was owed "a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country."[373]

Someone behaved presidentially on election night, but it sure as hell wasn't Hillary Clinton. And despite her hypocritical words quoted above, she never stopped undermining Trump and calling him "illegitimate" during the last 4 years. Nor did the entire Democrat-Bolshevik party, a large slive of whom wouldn't even attend Trump's Jan 2017 inauguration.

And Obama didn't give Trump a peaceful transition either, Obama personally] orchestrated the attacks by the FBI and DOJ on Trump's campaign and presidency As evidenced by the August 2016 text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page: "POTUS wants to see everything we are working on". And: Sally Yates' memo of a Jan 5 2017 Oval Office meeting of Obama, Biden, Yates, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and Susan Rice, where Yates described her astonishment that Obama had the FISA transcripts of Michael Flynn's phone calls with the Russian ambassador that he briefed the others there about, and Obama personally instructed Comey to select "the right people" (i.e., criminal/partisan Democrat loyalists within in the FBI) to orchestrate the perjury trap on Flynn to destroy Flynn, to prevent Flynn from discovering the criminal actions of Obama in the Iran nuclear deal, and Obama's abuse and weaponization of intelligence agencies against Trump and Republicans.
And it was Biden who suggested using the Logan Act to indict Flynn, a law that was made over 200 years ago and has never been used to prosecute anyone, until Flynn.

That's in addition to Obama more than doubling the staff of the National Security Council before the end of his term, and stacking it with Democrat partisans who leaked top secret information and undermined Trump from within for the ffirst two years of his presidency. Two of whom were Alexander Vindman and Eric Ciaramela.

And Obama weaponizing the IRS against Tea Party groups, religious conservative groups, and large Republican donors like Frank Vandersloot, who had to spend $80,000 in legal fees just to prove he wasn't guilty of anything. That Obama and the IRS persecuted just to intimidate potential Republican support in future elections.

Now ALL OF THAT, AND MORE BY OBAMA AND HILLARY AND THEIR THUG OPERATIVES, is not "trying their best for a smooth transition", and is in fact the TRUE "new low reached in a transition".

Also, Al Gore took 37 days to concede, and just as Trump did, Gore pursued all his legal options. With no evidence of election tampering in that 2000 election. As compared to millions of votes in the 2020 election compromised by election fraud, and abundant witnesses, affidavits, photo- and video-evidencee, and forensic evidence in the Dominion computer systems as well. As well as ties to foreign intervention spreading to Venezuela, Germany and Barcelona, China, Russia and Iran. As well as "Trump won't win, I made f--ing sure of that" Dominion security head Eric Coomer.
The point being: Trump isn't being a bad sport in refusing to concede an election he allegedly lost, there is ABUNDANT evidence that the Democrats tainted the election, and he should not concede until every last bit of that evidence is reviewed. Not just dismissed by partisan or intimidated judges, but THOROUGHLY REVIEWED.

You also imply Trump did something wrong in the containment of Covid-19 without ever providing any facts to support that lie.

Trump in fact:
(1) suspended all travel from China, over 5,000 people a day, that early on even Fauci and Redfield (who both advised against suspending travel) said it was a very good strategic move and saved countless thousands of lives, and bought the nation time to medically prepare,
(2) a similar suspension of travel from Europe at the peak of their outbreak,
(3) Trump secured the Southern border from illegal immigrants during the months prior to the outbreak, again something Obama, Biden or Hillary would NEVER NEVER do, that also prevented another huge avenue of potential uncontrolled outbreak. Biden is already telegraphing he will completely destroy bordr security, and apprehensions have already risen 550% since October.
(4) Trump began a trade war with China in the year prior to the outbreak, that vastly decreased U.S. dependency on China for supply for medical PPE, food and everything else.
(5) Trump cut funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) due to WHO's deceit that halped endanger the U.S. and the rest of the world, where China cut all INTERNAL airline flights within China, but calculatedly allowed flights OUT of China to infect and economically damage the rest of the world.
(6) Trump orchestrated a joint effort of public and private sectors in first mass producing medical PPE equipment in short supply (thanks to Obama) and mass producing life-saving ventilator machines at a mass number no one thought possible, to the point we were able to give some of our surplus to other countries less prepared, like Mexico and European nations.
And ultimately
(7) Trump fast-tracked a vaccine for Covid-19, in an incredible 9 months, what would normally take 2 or 3 years at best to create and distribute.

Compare with handling of the previous Swine flu and Ebola outbreaks during the Obama administration, to see how ***FAR*** superior Trump's response was to a national threat, as compared to the complete incompetence in the Obama administration, as admitted by V P Joe Biden's then-chief-of-staff Ron Klain, who admitted they did nothing to contain those two outbreaks, and that the Obama administration was "vaery lucky" those outbreaks were not far worse, because they were unable to manage any effort to contain them. Polar opposite the leadership of Trump.

Biden advisor Ron Klain on their handling of Swine Flu: pure "luck

Everything you said, M E M, everything, are lies and a complete misrepresentation of the true facts.