Originally Posted by the G-man
Yeah, this is crazy shit. Even crazier than you wanting to lock your political opponents up in Gulags. I don't endorse either.

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
That would be crazy if it were true. Sadly you were supportive of what is driving these crazies. You showed me that if you could you would render my vote useless just to keep this loser in power. No gulag for you but I do hope the rest of the nation sees how close we came to losing free and fair elections and vote all of Trump’s little helpers out of office ASAP.

We already demonstrated that multiple prominent Democrats have called for putting Trump supporters in Gulags.

And it is not "stealing" your vote, M E M, to exclude clearly fraudulent Democrat votes, such as thoussands of votes by dead people, thousands of votes of unqualified out-of-state-people using false addresses, thousands that should have been disqualified by signature-matching, thousands of Democrats who deliberately double-voted, thousands of mail-in ballots requested in someone else's name and voting Democrat with that ballot that prevented tens of thousands of Republicans being able to vote in person on election day, and at least 20 or 30 other ways piece-of-shit Democrats orchestrated massive election fraud in favor of Biden.