Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Actually some right wingers were caught and arrested for killing cops and assisted in setting a police station on fire among other acts of vandalism during the Floyd protests. The calls for succession and civil war are okay?

We've been over this before.
A fringe group by a handful of anarchists who are labelled questionably as "right-wing", who probably hate the Republican party as much as they do the Democrats, who basically just wanted to make a name for themselves by creating violent chaos that appears on the national news. A handful of anarchists, who NO ONE in the Republican party supports or endorses. You strain to make a lying case for "right winger" violence, but it doesn't fit the facts.

As opposed to the calls for intimidation and violence from the very mainstream of the Democrat party: Maxine Waters, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and liberal media pundits and former cabinet members like Robert Reich, Paul Krugman, and Jennifer Rubin, calling for intimidation and violence of Trump supporters, and "crushing them so they never rise up again". A call that the Nazi Brownshirts of your party in BLM and Antifa eagerly answer the call for, on a massive national scale. and will only be more emboldened of Biden gains power.