Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Do you have anything WB that if positions were reversed you would accept if democrats were trying to do what you trumpers want to do? Repeating allegations that can’t even stay afloat in front of conservative judges isn’t really persuasive.


Democrat governors and elections supervisors (and a few RINO Republican governors and election supervisors, such as Georgia) have only permitted a superficial recount, that does not allow rejection of dead people votes, double voters, voters listing fraudulent addresses, signatures unverified that don't match, absentee ballots from people that long before the election moved out of state, on and on.

2) HAVE THE FBI AND DOJ DO A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION. At present, the FBI and DOJ have sent **not one** agent to investigate what is clearly the most massive election fraud in U.S. history. But as I pointed out before, 97% of DOJ campaign donations went to Hillary Clinton in 2016, and to other Democrats, and they are deeply partisan toward the Democrats winning, so they will continue to sit on their hands and let the clock run out, irregardless of the law.
As I pointed out before, there were at least a dozen FBI agents sent to investigate:
1) the fabricated Jussie Smollett racial incident,
2) likewise the black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace
with the alleged racist intimidation "noose" hanging in his car garage investigated by the FBI,
3) likewise an army of FBI agents sent to investigate a Biden campaign bus allegedly harassed on a highway by Trump supporters.
And yet... not a single FBI agent sent to investigate massive Nov 3 2020 election irregularities across at least 7 states. Even a Democrat zealot like you, M E M, should be alarmed at the indifference of FBI and DOJ to such a major case, with enormous national ramifications. Although at this point, even if the FBI did an investigation now, I'm sure it would just be like the Hillary Clinton e-mails investigation, a rubber-stamp of whatever narrative would benefit the Democrats, not discovery of the actual facts.

3) THE ORWELLIAN CENSORSHIP OF ANY DISCUSSION OF THE FACTS SUPPORTING THE REPUBLICAN ARGUMENT THAT THE NOV 2020 ELECTION WAS RIGGED. Does that really not cause you the slightest pause, M E M? Where there are so many irregularities, and yet we are not even allowed to share or discuss them?

4) HAVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SEIZE THE DOMINION VOTING MACHINES AND OTHER ELECTION EVIDENCE. Evidence that is probably being shredded by Democrats every day it is not seized.

It is frankly impossible that Biden, while staying in his basement for months and not even campaigning, got 11 million more votes than Barack Obama.

The ties of Dominion to Smartmatic and the election-rigging in Venezuela was major news, even on CNN, from 2006-2019, and then suddenly the Orwellian Newspeak of the mainstream media declares it's "right wing conspiracy theory" to even discuss it? DEMOCRAT Senators Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Democrat Rep.Mark Pocan wrote an open letter in *December 2019* voicing these exact concerns, barely a year ago. But now again, suddenly (Orwell's Newspeak liberal media, changing the official narrative again) this has all magically become tin-foil hat conspiracy theory to cite THE EVIDENCE that four prominent House and Senate Democrats vocally waned about, and despite that the mainstream media vocally exposed the Dominion ties to Venezuela's election fraud and the machines' easy ability to be hacked for 14 years.
What's wrong with this picture?

Eric Coomer, the executive at Dominion who personally travelled to and set up the voting machines in the 7 contested states, is a rabid partisan anti-Trumper, and a rabid supporter of Antifa, and when asked in a Zoom conference call online with a dozen other Antifa members,where the others were voicing concern that Trump might win re-election in November, Coomer said: "Trump's not going to win, I made fucking sure of that."
Coomer and all his pals at Dominion are ALL radical-left, tied to the Clinton Foundation, to radical activists, to Antifa members, rabidly anti-Trump. And these are people you don't question controlling the election machines on Nov 3rd? Their Facebook and Twitter feeds were filled with rabid self-incriminating leftist and anti-Trump posts. All now scrubbed, but screen-grabbed by conservatives before that.
Dominion shared offices with the Soros-funded Tides Foundation.
The CEO of Dominion is a board member of the Tides Foundation.
Nancy Pelosi's chief of staff is a major shareholder of Dominion.
Dianne Feinstein's husband is a major Dominion shareholder.

There is overwhelming evidence that the election was rigged. The fact that your side won't even permit investigation of it is just further proof that they have plenty to hide.

If all else fails, Trump has the right to declare a national emergency under the Insurrection Act, and remain in power, for years if necessary, until this election IS fully investigated. Because as former Joint Chiefs general Thomas McInerney said, make no mistake, this IS a coup, this IS an insurrection by domestic radical leftist forces and foreign governments to overthrow the United States' constitutional government, and it has to be stopped.

I'm frankly surprised there haven't been hundreds of former FBI and other retired Republican law enforcement agents and lawyers offering to help the Trump team investigate the election fraud, to fill the void left by a compromised DOJ/FBI.

The same compromised DOJ/FBI that evidence now shows in 2016 deliberately sabotaged the FBI e-mails case against Hillary Clinton, and simultaneously opened a knowingly fake 9-month "Russia collusion" investigation (AGAIN: Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texts verify this (STRZOK, to PAGE: "There's no 'there' there.") .
As also verified by other FOIA-opened documents by Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, and Sally Yates).
As verified by confessed FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith ("Vive le resistance!") who falsified FISA request documents to obtain surveillance of Carter Page, to say Page was not working for the CIA, the polar opposite of the truth, because the documents clearly said Carter Page actually was a paid CIA informant. Documents deceitfully re-written, so a Democrat-weaponized FBI could falsely obtain four consecutive FISA warrants to do surveillance on Page. And through surveilling Carter Page, to surveil the entire Trump campaign.

An army of partisans in the FBI who tried to destroy the Trump campaign in 2016. AGAIN: 97% of DOJ campaign donations were to the Hillary Clinton campaign, which I linked earlier.
(texts messages: LISA PAGE: "Trump isn't going to be president, right? RIGHT?!? PETER STRZOK: "No. No, we will stop it.")
And ongoing after for 4 years, during Trump's entire presidency.
The same FBI that set up Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone and others, destroyed innocent men, destroyed their lives, just to damage Trump. Even the ones who weren't convicted , such as Michael Caputo, had their jobs and lives destroyed by constant FBI intimidation of their clients.

The evidence is right there in front of you, M E M, if you weren't a partisan who gladly consumes the Orwellian Newspeak that is clearly untrue, just because it allows your side to win.
The truth is right there in front of you. And even you should be deeply alarmed by the intimidation and silencing of all political dissent. We are now living in a Chinese or Soviet-style political system.