Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB just a tip, anyone storming and rioting the capital isn’t a patriotic conservative.

Originally Posted by WB
I don't condone violence as a way for Trump supporters or anyone else to make their point, and I doubt any Republican I know does. It's not our way. But that's also the point, that Democrats endorse it when their side does it, Republicans don't. I believe, like Charlottesville and dozens of other protest occasions, Democrats staged the violence, so the liberal media would talk about that, rather than the legitimate points Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and Mo Brooks were making with their arguments on the House and Senate floor. Arguments CNN and the liberal media would have to air in primetime, arguments they have hidden coverage of for 2 months. This media re-direction at "right wing violence" is a convenient distraction, conveniently provided by mob violence that might not even be Trump supporters. Let's wait for the facts to come out, when these jerks are arrested and their Facebook and Twitter posts are made public.

You're such a fucking liar, M E M.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2021-01-07 2:15 AM.