Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Brian Sicknick, Hero Officer Killed by MAGA Mob

Trump called these people great patriots and said he loved them. This blood is on his hands and those that willingly enabled his lies. Anyone that broke into the capital needs to be hunted down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

AGAIN: It's still not proven that it was a "Trump supporter" who killed this officer. There is still evidence that Antifa members infiltrated the protest, PRETENDING to be Trump supporters, to blame them for violence.
Capitol officers, private contract security specialists,field reporters, and Republican House and Senate members have all made public statements that police were alerted to these plans, or directly observed "Trump supporters" who didn't behave like Trump supporters, as they infiltrated and manipulated the crowds.

And even the Trump supporters caught doing other bad things are clearly NOT mainstream Trump supporters, and their bad acts are condemned, NOT supported, by other Trump supporters.

As compared to violence ALL YEAR LONG by BLM and Antifa, that was endorsed by other Democrats and the liberal media as "justified" violence.
And Chris Cuomo who said: "Who ever said protests were supposed to be peaceful?"
And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who said violence and intimidation "is how you get social change".
And VICE PRESIDENT ELECT KAMALA HARRIS who said the violence "Is continuing on through election day, it's not going to stop, and it SHOULDN'T stop."
And Maxine Waters.
And Cory Booker.
And Joe Biden.
The entire Democrat leadership and liberal media were 100% endorsing the BLM violence.

The hypocrisy of the liberal media and Democrat leadership falsely alleging Trump "incited" violence on Jan 6th is absolutely beyond the pale.