Looking at all who have been identified so far WB, yes it was trumpers that stormed the capital and vandalized it. There were also far right members participating in arson and some more cop killing at the Floyd protests too. The one guy from the left that was filming the trumpers isn’t going to make up for the huge mob of Trump voters that were came to the capital after Trump told them they had to fight like hell. And what exactly was Pence supposed to do on the 6th that would have been constitutional other than what he did? Trump lost and because he’s a pos he sent a mob to the capital that resulted in people getting killed. One cop killed another taking life afterwards. All because Trump wouldn’t accept the will of the people. And there may be even more besides his inciting the mob. Like I said I think you don’t realize the ramifications of what happened now that a far right mob did this to our capital. It’s like 9/11 but instead of foreign terrorists it was domestic with red MAGA hats.

And Biden made it a talking point that while peaceful protests are a right, the criminal acts were not. He even plans on increasing the number of cops in neighborhoods.

Fair play!