Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
50% want Trump removed from office

Even with its pro republican bias Rasmussen has this result! Other polls also show Trump trouble too WB. I’m not being an asshole, just being honest and pretty darn courteous to somebody who litters his responses with personal insults.

No, you're being a slanderous and insulting jerk, and trying to bury the true evidence.

If Rasmussen's simply accurately calling multiple elections that no one else predicted correctly can fairly be termed "Republican bias". No, they're just correct.

And on election night till about 3 AM, Trump was winning by a landslide in all 6 contested states.
Not "50% of PEOPLE voted for Trump".
No. it was 50% of PROVEN ILLEGAL BALLOTS THAT CAN'T BE TRACKED that were magically pulled out of a magic hat and clandestinely slipped into the count at 3 AM hidden from vote inspectors that went to Biden. ON VIDEO in Georgia. Dead voters. Double voters. Out of state voters. Voters under fake addresses. Illegal immigrant voters. Rigged Dominion votes. Illegal votes that far exceed Biden's margin of victory in each of these states.

When you over and over engage in shit-stirring and take malicious bitter shots at Trump and his supporters, slanderous things that clearly aren't true and are just Democrat propaganda, don't expect me to reciprocate with courtesy that's not given. It's amazing, your side won (or at least successfully pulled off the fraud) and STILL you guys are out for blood and more angry than if you lost.

The poll I linked to was from Rasmussen WB. Five thirty eight gives Rasmussen a c+ in polling and shows a pro conservative bias. Even with a bias Rasmussen got that 50% for removal result. And it was known that votes were probably going to be lopsided in states depending on when the mail in votes were counted. Texas was blue most of election night for example because they counted the mail in votes first. Trump’s DOJ found no voter fraud that would have changed the result. Trump’s cyber security guy said it was a secure election. He was willing to say that even though he had to know Trump would fire him as he did. Barr of course had to go to. And for elected officials that wouldn’t “find” votes there were threats of running more loyal people in primary challenges.

Fair play!