Again: if simply being ACCURATE can be considered "conservative bias" . I posted a link that showed daily tracking polls of every day of Trump's presidency, and superimposed over it every day of Obama's first 4 years to compare both at the same point in their presidencies. As I said, Trump was often polling higher on many days than Obama, and that's with the media being the wind at Obama's back, and doing their absolute damnedest to destroy Trump every day he was in office, with countless stories that proved to be absolutely wrong, with steady 93% negative coverage of Trump, reaching 100% negative during the impeachment hearings in Jan-Feb 2020.

It's just like when you guys on the Left say "Fox News is biased". When even Pew Research's own study shows that Fox is perfectly balanced in its coverage, roughly equal positive and negative stories of both candidates, that can only be spun as "more conservatively tilted than the other networks" relative to the EXTREME LEFT tilt of all the other networks.

It's pretty well established across all states that early voting leans Democrat, and on-the-day voting is what Republicans tend to do, so day-of-election leans Republican. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove there. And Sydney Powell and Giuliani have said across all 30 states where Dominion machines were used, Dominion manipulation flipped a consistent 3% of votes to Biden. In many states not enough to change the outcome, but a huge manipulation of the vote. Add to that all the dozens of other forms of cheating, and you have more than enough to change the outcome in the 6 contested states. Up till 3 AM Trump was winning in a landslide. Then they stopped the count, just like they do in Venezuela and other states where they rig the vote. They did that so they could count how far ahead Trump was, manufacture the ballots to change that and have Biden win by a slight margin, and they did that across all 6 contested states.
Prior to this election, when has there EVER been a stop in the vote count on election night?
When has it EVER taken more than 24 hours to count all the votes?
That's the dead giveaway that it was election fraud, when what routinely happens in Venezuela, a state known for election rigging, happens here for the first time, and Biden wins with more votes than any president in history. Biden, an incompetent inarticulate buffoon, who can barely finish a sentence, who barely even campaigned.

But Biden got 7 MILLION more votes than Trump ?!?

Biden got 15,428,374 more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016 ?!?
Biden got 15,366,093 more votes than Obama got in 2012 ?!?
Biden got 11,783,372 more votes that Obama in 2008 ?!? (source: Wikipedia, 2020, 2016, 2012, and 2008 U.S. presidential elections)

No. That doesn't pass the smell test. Biden is an incompetent bungler who can't even draw 20 people to one of his campaign rallies, and listening to him is like watching paint dry, it''s so boring. Whereas Trump consistently draws never-before-seen crowds, and has supporters (like myself) who deeply love what he has done in his 4 years as president. The highest votes before this year were 69,498,516 for Obama in 2008.

This year Trump won with 74,223,251 votes (and probably far more than that, if the count had been fair)
Biden (allegedly) won with 81,281,888 votes.
And as I've shown, some of those are trump votes electronically flipped to Biden, plus double votes, illegal immigrant votes, voters with fake addresses from out of state, unverified signature ballots, ballots from proveably dead people in the thousands, on and on. Multiple streams of election fraud.

The number of easily proven fraudulent and illegal votes is at least double Biden's margin of victory in each of the contested states.