Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
See you are all about “sides” in a lot of your posts even when you deny it. You did exactly what you’re accusing me of with peaceful protesters as detailed in my above post WB. Your response is more of the same. It’s all right there in your posts.

No. I proved with quotes and the huge volume of maniacs in your party that obviously cheer on violence. Not all, but a vast swath of your party endorses violence against conservatives.
As contrasted with Trump supporters who almost universally condemn what happened on Jan 6th, or any violence in their name.

So it's really hypocritical for you and other Democrats to go all "Ohh, tisk tisk!" that Trump supporters are a vast threat of violence. When in fact, in the examples I gave and many more, YOUR PARTY not only commits more acts of political violence, but that a huge ratio of Democrats, if not a majority, ENDORSE that violence. I keep posting examples of how vicious your party is, and you keep fronting your lying narrative of a vastly exaggerated threat of Trump-supporter violence, despite that it's overwhelmingly YOUR PARTY that advocates those tactics, both at the Democrat leadership level, and at the grassroots/social media level.