Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You need to watch the video. Officers were overwhelmed by the mob and we’re just lucky there wasn’t more death. And I think you can count on trumpers getting treated like BLM’ers from now on.

I've seen the video. The one with Ashli Babbitt is not as you describe it:

There was another video of 15 cops in full riot gear forming a wall and outnumbered by protesters, that is about 30 minutes, and happened far away in another part of the building than the Ashli Babbitt shooting. (Mr JLA posted it earlier.)

I would point out that ALL the violence that day was pre-planned and reported to authorities up to a month in advance, and much of it was orchestrated by BLM and Antifa, and some of them have been arrested.
The other "right wing" rioters, such as the Boogaloos (that are at least partially tied to BLM) and the right-wing militia Oath Keepers who I mentioned earlier, and possibly the Proud Boys (who in the video I saw didn't look like they could conquer a large cheese pizza), all planned their violence up to a month prior on social media (as NYPD got wind of weeks in advance, and warned FBI and DHS, who sat on their hands and let it happen, because they wanted it to happen, to feed the Democrat narrative of "dangerous white racist insurrectionists we have to crack down on").
And these fringe groups got in place for their planned mischief before Trump even spoke on Jan 6th. Some of them may have been "right wing", but they were not Trump supporters in the normal sense, nor were they motivated by Trump's speech on Jan 6th. They were too far away and mobilizing their pre-planned attacks while Trump was still speaking, 45 minutes walking-distance away.