Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
FBI refutes claims that Antifa added to Capitol violence

Militias and white supremacists trump supporters.

FBI director Chrisopher Wray's testimony is absolute garbage. He bent over backward to avoid saying anything clearly enough to incriminate himself.

It's an absolute fact that Wray's own FBI arrested Antifa member John Earle Sullivan, and that Sullivan's own videos and social media accounts document Sullivan and others in his group dressing up and *PRETENDING* to be Trump supporters while committing vandalism and violence inside the Capitol on Jan 6th.
FBI director Wray would be well advised to read his agency's own indictment of John Earle Sullivan, and look at the abundant evidence he pretends doesn't exist.

Wray also denies that Al Qaida and ISIS are actual terrorist groups, that they are an "idea", an ideology, and not actual terror groups.

Likewise Christopher Wray's opinion in past Senate hearings on Antifa and Black Lives Matter. But regardless of these evasions and lies by Wray, the rest of us know the truth: As long as Wray denies the truth that these groups exist, his 97% Democrat-donating FBI has the wiggle room to not round up the members of these groups, so they can remain an intimidation arm of the Democrat party.