The defense secretary is Lloyd Austin, another Democrat-idealogue politician who pretends to be a soldier, what are you babbling about?

CNN is just rabidly anti-Trump Pravda, not actual news.

That hit-piece also ignores that despite this turncoat's out-of-his-ass opinion, the records of FBI, DHS and Capitol police all CLEARLY show the attacks were
pre-planned as much as a month before Jan 6th, so it's just more propaganda to allege that it's Trump's fault. It was planned way before anything Trump said.
And as I've made clear repeatedly there was nothing in Trump's speech that "incited", no rhetoric that hundreds of other Democrats and Republicans have not similarly used almost verbatim the same in speeches on the Washington mall over many years, as Trump did on Jan 6th. Trump urged his supporters to show strength and "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice their support."

I can only guess that former defense secretary Christopher Miller is auditioning for a consultant job at CNN, to say something so in opposition to the facts.