Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Powell is a lying hag that deserves to be held legally accountable...

Wow, not at all personal. Why would I question your unhinged lack of objectivity?

Originally Posted by M E M
“ Statements like "President Trump was the better candidate," or "I don't trust voting machines" express opinions. Statements that "up to 7 million votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Biden via rigged election software," or that Dominion is tied to former Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, on the other hand, are factual in nature because they are capable of being proven or disproven with evidence. Factual statements, when false and when made with knowledge or recklessness as to their falsity, can be the basis for a defamation claim.
Powell was even put on notice that her statements were contrary to all available evidence and were considered by Dominion to be defamatory when Dominion sent Powell a "cease and desist" letter in December, demanding a public retraction.
Powell did not retract her statements; in fact she made additional claims about having evidence of fraud even though courts had already rejected her lawsuits for, among other reasons, failing to provide any evidence of fraud. This underscores yet again the fallacy of Powell's defense here: a claim for which evidence can exist to prove or disprove the claim is not, by its nature, an opinion at all.
There is little question about what Powell and certain of her colleagues were trying to do by spreading these lies. They were not, as Powell now claims, merely offering their own opinions about what may have happened during the 2020 election, and they were not just previewing legitimate lawsuits that had been filed. They were doing everything in their power to convince Trump's supporters that the election was stolen from him through fraud.

They created and fed the big lie. The big lie harmed Dominion and others who were the subjects of false statements, damaged voters' confidence in our government and electoral systems, and motivated thousands of Trump supporters to come to the Capitol on January 6 where hundreds of them engaged in a violent insurrection. This -- not the mythical Kraken -- is what Powell and her cohorts helped unleash. And if this latest filing is any indication, at least as far as harm to Dominion Voting Systems is concerned, it looks like Powell may actually be held accountable.”
Sidney Powell's ridiculous defense in big lie case


Their corrupt ties to Georgia officials who are now Dominion executives or Dominion lobbyists, harmed Dominion.
Dominion's lack of lack of transparency or availability to media questions, hurt Dominion.
The fact that Dominion shared office space and an address with Soros-funded leftist groups, HARMED DOMINION.

About 300 Dominion employees who *ALL* posted rabidly pro-BLM, pro-Antifa, rabidly anti-Trump posts on Facebook and Twitter, HARMED DOMINION. The fact that they all closed their social media accounts and went into hiding unavailable for any media questions, harmed Dominion.

The fact that Dominion's vice president and chief of cyber-security Eric Coomer had rabidly anti-Trump/anti-Republican posts all over social media, and participated in Zoom calls with Antifa, and when asked by others concerned Trump would win re-election, said "Trump won't win re-election, I made fucking sure of that," HARMED DOMINION. The fact this person then closed all his social media accounts to conceal his self-incriminating rabidly leftist pro-Antifa words and went into hiding unavailable for media questions, also harmed Dominion.

The fact that every permitted examination of Dominion voting system machines, in New Hampshire, in Michigan, in Georgia, in Arizona, have **ALL** shown discrepancies in votes, ALL reveal thousands of flipped votes, *ALL* flipping 3 to 6 % of Republican votes to Democrats, HARMED DOMINION.

All of these things occurred independently of anything said by attorney Sidney Powell.
Who again, preceding the election, has been for decades a highly accomplished U.S. attorney, a special investigator in the Bill Clinton Whitewater investigation, and has successfully reversed multiple cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, on behalf of wrongly convicted Enron and Arthur Andersen executives who needlessly spent years in federal prison. And just prior to the 2020 election, Powell successfully ended the FBI prosecution of Michael Flynn, exposing the rabid Democrat partisanship of the judge involved in the case, and the corrupt Democrat-controlled FBI that was fanatical about maliciously prosecuting Flynn, despite the judge and the FBI's clear prosecutorial misconduct.

CNN is partisan and rabidly pro-Democrat, and as trustworthy as a press release from Pravda or the Chinese Communist Party. A CNN link to "evidence" is worthless. Many others, not just Sidney Powell, have made the point that the Nov 2020 election coup was a Democrat collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party and an army of Chinese hackers who altered the vote, WITH DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, to hand an unearned election victory to Joe Biden.

There are multiple others who have independently confirmed much of what Sidney Powell has said. In the 2-hour documentary released by Mike Lindell (a k a the MyPillow Guy) multiple cyber-security experts show their evidence to that effect, one of them retired U.S. Army colonel Phil Waldron who was contracted to investigate Dominion Systems' voting machine security for the government prior to the election, and Col. Waldron was alarmed at the visible breeches, and even more so that many he appealed to in federal government brushed aside his warnings, and were hell-bent on allowing those breeches to remain open to corrupt the election.
As I've linked before, some of these, and hundreds of other witnesses to election fraud, testified in televised state legislative election hearings, in all six of the contested states.

Despite being wrong, Dominion is attempting with billion-dollar lawsuits to intimidate those exposing the truth, to make investigators and witnesses back off their truthful exposure of Dominion with the facts, or be bankrupted in litigation by Dominion. As I said before, that is precisely what National Periodical Publications did to Fawcett in the 1940's, and once they bankrupted Fawcett, they bought the rights to CAPTAIN MARVEL and published it themselves. That's not right or truthful, that's just an abuse of money and power. To bury the truth.