

April 23, 2021

A white bus driver in Louisiana has lost her job after allegedly racially taunting a sixth-grade student.

The alleged incident took place in St. Bernard on April 9, when Rashad Gabriel ran to catch the bus to Trist Middle School in the morning. By the time he boarded, he was breathing hard and his face mask and slipped beneath his nose.

The bus driver reportedly scolded 11-year-old Rashad for his mask, who tried to explain he was out of breath from running.

‘Since George Floyd, that’s what you all say, but I don’t see a knee on your neck,’ the driver allegedly told the young black boy.

The racist comment was allegedly made on the school bus on April 9.

Rashad’s mother Rose Gabriel was furious when her son told her what had happened.
‘I just started crying,’ Gabriel told WWL. ‘Don’t make him feel inferior. He’s not inferior to nothing.
‘He’s equal to any of those students on that bus.’
The remarks were reportedly heard by Rashad’s fellow students and caught on the onboard bus camera, although footage from the bus has not been made available to the public.

Okay, I sure wouldn't want to even try to defend that one. It's possible the driver was trying to make a joke and it came out wrong, but as said, it is unmistakeably racist. It's in the category of, you're in a professional work environment, and it's something you never would say, even in a friendly joking way among friends on the job.

I think a lot of these incidents are exagerrated or conflated to be racist, when there is no evidence that it was racial, such as the George Floyd incident, or the Daunte Wright incident, where they both had criminal records, did something illegal, and resisted arrest.

It happens, there ARE legitimate racial incidents, and while this school-bus one was not a crime, it was arguably a fireable offense.

But I think more often than not, they are twisted to fit a narrative, rather than on the true facts. And it bothers me that racism is a two-way street, but there is only a hair-trigger for prosecuting or firing incidents of"white racism", when every race has racist thoughts and racist incidents, and many truly vile racist attacks against whites get a complete free pass. There is a clear eagerness to go after whites, and a reluctance to cite or punish minority-on-white violence, by the police, by the media, by schools and universities. Or by the liberal media about the often viciously racist social media by their own reporters! Ractist posts, and certainly partiosan and far from neutral.

I'm thinking in particular of an incident I posted to the Trayvon Martin topic where almost the exact same time as the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, a black police officer shot and killed a white teenager for no good reason, and who had no criminal record.
Whereas Michael Brown was a career criminal who had just robbed a store, attacked officer Darren Wilson in his car, and then came back and charged officer Wilson in front of 3 witnesses (who were reluctant to come forward and tell the truth) . Brown charged the officer "like a linebacker", forcing Wilson to shoot him, pause, shoot again when Brown still wouldn't stop, then Wilson paused again, and shot a third time before Brown fell dead at his feet.
In virtually every one of these incidents, the black suspect lionized as a saint was resisting arrest and/or violently attacking a police officer, and gave the officers little choice, far from being innocent Bambi in the dark forest when racist cops opened fire on them. In virtually every case, officers were forced to deal with a known criminal suspect who was resisting arrest if not threatening the officers forced to act.

In the Salt Lake City black officer shooting, there was virtually no coverage. And with complete callousness and disinterest for the white kid's surviving family, the Salt Lake City police just made the case go away and the black officer who shot the kid --for no logical reason!-- was not prosecuted. It just didn't fit the narrative, and therefore was made to disappear.