Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ So... how does one have an armed "insurrection", without any arms ? ”

Chemical sprays, American flags, bats, stun guns were all used to viciously beat and injure law enforcement. The capitol getting attacked isn’t ever going to be okay and I think the country has gotten a very clear look at the threat.

lol lol lol

You're straining to make an argument, in the absence of having any facts in your favor, M E M.

There was NOT ONE gun confiscated on Jan 6th.
There was no "insurrection". An insurrection is an armed military attempt to overthrow a government. There were no guns, there was no "insurrection" army, there were no grenade launchers, no artillery, no cyber-attacks, no seizure or occupation of any territory or infrastructure or communications centers.

You had a handful of guys who rioted with cops, smashed a few windows, in one case urinated on a House member's desk, and stole a few of Pelosi's personal letters and a podium. The only fair description of that would be "riot", not "insurrection". Not even close. House and Senate members came back not even 3 hours later and went on about their business, certifying the election. Nothing was destroyed.
Compare that with FIVE MILES of permanently destroyed storefronts in Minneapolis immediately after George Floyd's death. Hundreds of businesses, thousands of jobs, permanently destroyed.
Likewise duplicated across 275 cities nationwide by BLM/Antifa. And countless other smaller towns. THAT is "insurrection", and destruction on a massive scale.
Compare with the seige on the White House that also occurred in may 2020 by BLM and Antifa, where Secret Service pressed Trump to leave the White House. And when Trump the next day walked across the street to the historic church BLM burned, the whole world could see the war-zone level devastation that mob left behind.

Compare that with what occurs nightly in Portland and Seattle, in coordinated attacks on federal buildings by Antifa and BLM, in sustained orchestrated NIGHTLY attacks, and attempts to kill federal agents and police, is far more in the realm of "insurrection" than anything that occurred on Jan 6th in the Capitol.

You twist the definition of "insurrection" to fit your lying narrative. But there are the facts. And you certainly seem to have no compassion for police and federal agents injured or killed by Antifa and BLM, in hundreds of cities over the last year. Your outrage over police attacked is exclusively limited to a handful of officers who faced rioters on ONE DAY on Jan 6th, while you ignore the attacks thousands of times greater by your side, in cities nationwide, AND STILL ONGOING. And even in the case of Jan 6th, you lyingly allege it was Trump supporters, when it is clear much of the damage was done by groups like John Earle Sullivan and BLM/Antifa, the BLM-affiliated Boogaloos, and other groups openly hostile to Trump and attempting to frame Trump for their own destruction.