Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think your post highlights the very reason a bipartisan commission is needed. This was a threat to democracy and actually succeeded in stalling the certification of the election results.

That is again your willful delusion, or your flatout lie.

The FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS and other federal agencies are weaponized Democrat agencies, that as I cited elsewhere, donate 97% to Democrats, and (text by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, to Strzok and Page: "Vive le resistance!") obstruct and sabotage and falsify evidence against even a sitting Republican president.

There was nothing "bipartisan" about the weaponized Mueller special investigation.
If you believe this investigation would be neutral or "bipartisan" you believe that in ignorance of 12 years of Democrats weaponizing federal agencies and investigations against Republicans.

And the "bipartisan investigation" would be just one more propagandized Democrat weapon, in addition to multiple other investigations being done by FBI/DOJ, Capitol Police, DHS, and House and Senate hearings and investigations of events on Jan 6 2021]. It's overkill. WEAPONIZED overkill.

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
What you say when the facts are not on your side. Fortunately the power isn’t either smile I genuinely want a bipartisan commission and I do understand why McCarthy doesn’t. He’s going to be asked some questions under oath.

STOLEN power, as is quickly being proven now in multiple election audits, and those audits are accelerating across even more cities and states, all consistently showing Dominion and Democrat fraud.

Plus evidence of Democrat FBI lawyer-criminal Kevin Clinesmith's "Vive le resistance" texts with Peter strzok and Lisa Page:

Plus evidence that Kevin Clinesmith weaponized the FBI against Trump officials, forging documents to get FISA warrants that never should have been approved:

Even the FBI verifies that there was no "insurrection", That out of over 400 arrested, they were overwhelmingly arrested only for "trespassing' and "violating curfew". Only about 30 or 40 for violence or smashing windows, or stealing Pelosi's podium and personal letters, or peeing on a desk.
It's all exaggerated and overblown as a nation-threatening "insurrection", just to allow Democrats to purge Republican or Trump supporters from positions in the military, and to harass and intimidate, to consolidate Democrat power over another federal branch of government. (In addition to the IRS, FBI and DOJ, the State Department, OSHA, EPA, teachers, university professors, and other federal law enforcement agencies... and now the military. )
And to use a fake "insurrection" to further harass and intimidate civilian Trump supporters nationwide. To intimidate wealthy individuals and companies that donate to Trump and Republicans. A continuation of what began with the IRS under Lois Lerner and John Koskinen in 2010-2012, and even more boldly by the FBI, DOJ, State Department and FISA court in 2016-2017.
And a weaponized fraudulent Mueller special investigation, that should never have been appointed, and knew there was no evidence against trump in the first few weeks, but kept open to damage Trump and the Republicans through the Nov 2018 mid-terms.

That was supposed to be "bipartisan" too, but in truth it was made up of 17 Trump-hating heavily Democrat-donor career Democrats, one of them appointed directly from the Clinton Foundation. "Bipartisan"? "Neutral"?!?
Not even close.

Another contrived and fake weaponized "bipartisan investigation" of the Jan 6th riots would be very convenient for the Democrats, to stretch politically into 2022 and 2024.

The facts are COMPLETELY on my side, despite the corrupt Bolsheviks on your side trying to suppress them.