



Sure, M E M.
I only "BELIEVE" that Democrats hate the United States and undermine defense of it. rolleyes
There are two more above sourced examples (along with many other examples in this topic) that are proof of what I've said.

If I hate Democrats, it is only that large percentage that aid our enemies in attacking this country, and try to destroy the country from within.
I am friendly to Democrats (a minority in the DNC) who are patriots, who admire our founders and our history, who defend this country.

How do I know Democrats are cultural marxist lunatics who hate this country, or at best don't believe in our country and its history and founders? Because Democrats in majorities vote for people like Cori Bush, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Arianna Pressley, Maxine Waters, Jen Psaki, and most of the far-left lunatics serving in the Joe Biden administration.
They are currently trying to appoint someone connected with environmental terrorists to head the Bureau of Land Management. And even the most "moderate" Democrat in the senate, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) won't commit to opposing her nomination.

And flatout treasonous Chinese collaborators like Rep. Eric Swalwell, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Debbie Wasserman bitch-cunt Schultz, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
Democrats who literally employed Chinese spies in their offices for years, Democrats who were aided in their political rise by Chinese aid and funding, Democrats who made no effort to arrest these Chinese spies once exposed and actually aided their escape from the U.S.
And in the cases of Pelosi and Feinstein, their families and/or staff financially benefitted from Dominion an the Chinese rigging the 2020 election, with partial company ownership and shares in Dominion, directly profiting from overthrowing the United States government through a fraudulent election. And none of these people, NONE of them, have been removed from House and Senate committees where they continue to have access to the highest national intelligence, that in their highly compromised integrity they can still share with the Chinese communist government.
That Democrats nationwide still support and re-elect these leaders makes clear the treasonous lack of patriotism of Democrat voters nationwide. Likewise Joe and Hunter Biden, who are both corrupted, subject to blackmail by the Chinese government.

Your vicious America-hating Bolshevik party has sided for 2 years with Antifa and Black Lives Matter as they burned down 275 American cities, tore down monuments nationwide to George Washington, to Teddy Roosevelt, to Thomas Jefferson.
To Abraham Lincoln!!
Democrat speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi's response, after months of tearing down monuments of our nation's founders: "I don't care about statues..."

Black Lives Matter and Antifa, by the way, are both organizations founded by marxists, with clear statements in their founding charters to "overthrow the United States" and to "destroy the nuclear family", the nuclear family one of the three "pillars of Democracy" as cited by Italian Marxist Gramsci that have to be destroyed for a Cultural Marxist revolution to work (the other two pillars being nationalism, and the Christian church, all three being pillars where values are taught to people, that are opposing values systems to marxist indoctrination.)

These Democrat leaders are clearly cheering on the slander and destruction of our country. There is nothing "partisan" about me saying that. That is clearly what they are doing, without question!
They are not defending our history, our heroes, our monuments, our borders, our economy, our military or our people !

They would gladly let the nation be destroyed, and replaced with a Marxist authoritarian government. And clearly, in the Biden administration, we already have an authoritarian government (if not a Marxist authoritarian government), hiding behind barbed wire fences and thousands of soldiers in Washington DC since January 20th, the moment Biden was inaugurated. And they are abusing and weaponizing the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, DHS and other law enforcement agencies against the ACTUAL patriots who believe in and defend our country and its history, labelling them "domestic terrorists" and white supremacists, imprisoning hundreds as a show of their power, to slander, intimidate and crush the will of those ACTUAL patriots nationwide who are attempting to defend and preserve our Constitutional republic and its laws, from the marxist lunatics who stole an election to seize power.