Originally Posted by iggy
Or, maybe you and your ilk are so delusional that you won't accept the reality of what you see as fraud and that Pence was doing the right thing because it was the right thing.

The funniest thing here is that you already set the table and say that it would have proven the fraud. Well, the fuck if it didn't? You guys wouldn't have been happy still and that's what this is all about: sad morons not feeling that they should have to be electorally sad. Fuck you and your debate. Your orange god lost, you wanker.

You're such a foul piece of crap, Iggy. With no facts on your side.

In every state where even a limited investigation has been done, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Montana, Arizona, evidence has shown the voting machines were corrupted in Nov 2020. And more evidence comes out every week, as pressure mounts for full forensic recounts in every other state, beyond the recount that just ended in Arizona.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are currupt in so many ways, in the ACTUAL Russia collusion by the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign and by the DC where they literally paid Russian intelligence officials for their "russia Dossier", for their abuse of FBI, DOJ and CIA to frame Trump and his officials, for Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's corrupt selling of Biden's office as VP for tens of millions of dollars through Hunter to "the Big Guy". And it is only Democrat hijacking of the FBI and DOJ that prevents these from being prosecuted. Every one of Hunter's business partners iss in jail already for these crimes, only Hunter Biden escaped because he is corruptly protected. And this is suppressed from being widely reported by an unholy alliance of the Democrat party with the liberal media an Big Tech/social media giants, who are likewise suppressing coverage of the facts. But regardless, those ARE the fact, no matter how much the Democrats try to hide them.