Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I never liked Pence but he chose democracy and the rule of law. On Jan 6 he was the one calling for help to protect the capitol and those inside of it. He didn’t create new powers in certifying the election that you would never accept from a democrat VP. I guess it says it all when that is betrayal to you and other trumpers.

Pence chose to stifle open debate of the election's legitimacy. He abdicated his vice presidential power, because he lacked the courage to do the right thing.

And televised debates for 2 weeks during a House/Senate joint session on the issue would have exposed much earlier the evidence of election fraud, and perhaps even prevented an illegitimate Joe Biden from ever being inaugurated, and unleashing the chaos on the nation he is right now. Skyrocketing energy prices and destruction of our border security, for openers.

You are creating new constitutional powers Pence didn’t have. Harris will not be able to do it either nor do I think for one minute you would accept that new interpretation as ever applying equally to anyone you didn’t vote for. You wanted a loophole to keep your pos in power despite losing the election. It wasn’t even close.

His power as Vice President on Jan 6 2021 was to approve, or not approve, the electoral votes. Period.

Given the amount of irregularities in multiple states:
* the illegitimate executive orders by governors and secretaries of states changing laws, that only a State legislature was legally and constitutionally able to do.
* The absentee ballots on clean pages that were clearly not three-folded and mailed in envelopes.
* The situations in multiple cities where vote observers were forced to leave, and vote counting continued without observers, that suddenly spiked to over 90% for Biden and pushed him over the top.
* and stopping the vote count in 7 states on election night (obviously giving corrupt Democrat election officials the opportunity to count the existing votes, and then manufacture the fake ballots to create an artificial "narrow victory" for Biden).
On and on.

Pence had the ability to NOT approve the electoral votes based on these corrupt irregularities.
And at the very least stall the confirmation of the electors, and allow Republican Senators and House members to debate the evidence of election fraud for 2 or more weeks on national television, on the joint-session Capitol floor, circumnavigating the censoring of half the political dialogue that was occurring on broadcast, print and social media. In House/Senate debates those public hearings , nationally televised, could not be rabbit-holed by the collective media.


No bank would refuse to verify signatures on contested checks. The selection of the next president is just as important, and the potential fraud on millions of ballots renders the reported results unworthy of certification.


Pence could seek a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of his authority on Jan. 6. Better yet, Pence should act in accordance with the 12th Amendment by declining to accept tainted certificates, and then enjoy watching Democrats scamper to the Supreme Court to seek intervention.

Pence could also do what Democrats insisted was necessary before voting in the impeachment trial earlier this year: call witnesses and hear evidence. If essential before voting on a removal of a president, then likewise before certifying a fraudulent presidential election.

No one would be disenfranchised by Senate President Pence if he declines to recognize tainted certificates from states lacking election integrity. This election would then go into the House of Representatives, where each state would have one vote on behalf of its residents in choosing the next president.