
A helpful map of U.S. territory over the 80 years or so prior to the Civil War in 1861:


Roughly half the country prohibited slavery from at least the time the Constitution and Bill of Rights were drafted and signed. Clearly, there were those pushing for the remainder of the U.S. to become sfree of slavery, across all that time. The part of the Constitution (Article 1, Section 2, paragraph 3) that discusses apportionment of U.S. Representatives by population also includes terms for indentured servants, excludes native Americans who did not pay taxes, and "three fifths of all other persons" (so slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person). And this was likewise established by anti-slavery advocates in the Constitution by those who did not want slave states to be over-represented by slave populations, especially since slaves had no representation. So this too,rather than to de-humanize slaves, was to prevent them from being used as political leverage for slave states, to give greater leverage to free states to scale back and abolish slavery.

White abolitionists worked for, and in many cases died, to bring freedom to slaves, in the decades leading up to the Civil War.
Regarding the divisive calls for reparations, about 600,000 gave their lives in the Civil War. That is already a heavy price. And slaves were given land and other benefits, a form of reparations, at the end of the Civil War.

And most of all, blacks have risen to high positions in every profession for over 60 years now. Black generals, a black chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Black cabinet members OF BOTH PARTIES, a black president in Barack Obama, a black vice president Kamala Harris. A black Rep. Cori Bush, a black Rep. "Mad" Maxine Waters. And multiple other black Senators and House members, OF BOTH PARTIES.
So... it rings rather hollow when Cori Bush and Maxine Waters unleash their venom that July 4th and the U.S. Constitution are "only a source of celebration for white people".

America-hating Rep. Ilhan Omar also has reason to celebrate, since if she were not permitted to immigrate to the U.S. from her famine and war-infested nation of Somalia, her and her family would likely have dies. Or at least, would have remained in oppression and bitter poverty. She is so oppressed in America that she became a U.S. Representative for the Minneapolis region of Minnesota, and has used that position for over 2 years to relentlessly slander and attack, divide and undermine the nation who saved her. God forbid she should show some grattitude to the nation that has given her so much. Including the ability to steal campaign funds and marry her brother in a sham marriage to further abuse the nation that took her and her family in.

Even if they want to give exposure to the mis-steps of American history, I think the U.S. has compensated those wronged better than any other nation. Black historian Thomas Sowell said that the blacks descended from slaves in the U.S. are 20 to 50 times better off than the blacks who currently remain in Africa, by every measure, including wages, freedom, safety from violence, and healthcare.
But hey, silly me, thinking they might be grateful for that.

They are the destroyers of black America, not its saviors. And destroying the nation in the process.


https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/black-lives-matter-blm (Rep. Cori Bush included)



(Barack Obama, by the way, hidden by the liberal media, is a huge advocate of critical race theory and its creator Derrick Bell, and actually gave an enthusiastic introduction to Bell in late 1980's at a speaking appearance, captured and exposed on video during the 2008 campaign.)

And if those aren't enough, if the Congressional Black Caucus REALLY wants something to be ashamed of...


Not to mention that Democrat/Leftist policy is taking cops off the streets, which is actually allowing more violence and shootings of black Americans. Whereas the approach of the last 30 years, as exemplified by then-New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and the nationwide approach of incarcerating violent criminals, actually saved tens of thousands of lives, many if not most of them black.