Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I just watch the videos of the attack on the capitol and the quickness to jettison democratic principles in an effort by a minority to hang onto power and see more than just one side. You need to cast a whole side as hating America when I see you actually loving only the hate on your side.

I realize that is your party's lying narrative.

It ignores 275 cities burned and looted in 2020 by Democrat/Liberal BLM/Antifa mobs, cheered on by virtually every Democrat leader, as they tore down and in some cases urinated on statues of our nation's founders. Including attacks far more "inssurrectionist" in nature, and with far greater destruction, on Trump's White House, on federal buildings nightly sieges in Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles and other cities, in months-long sieges, that are still continuing, killing 25 people including police and civilians, injuring over 2,000 police officers nationwide, even in some cases attacking and killing other BLM supporters,.
Insurrectionist attacks on ICE compounds and federal agents, where BLM and Antifa used military weapons and tactics on police and federal agents, incited by rhetoric of Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that they recited verbatim as they fired AR-15 rifles at ICE agents.
All THIS you ignore, for delusional partisan one-sided reasons.

AGAIN: In your own city of Minneapolis, BLM burned a police station to the ground, and burned and looted FIVE ENTIRE MILES of stores and businesses.

As compared to the Capitol building on Jan 6th, where there were no guns used or confiscated, NONE, according to FBI counter-terrorism assistant director Jill Sanborn in Senate hearings, NOT ONE.

You vastly exaggerate what were clearly riots, where some windows were smashed, some of Pelosi's personal letters stolen (and recovered), Pelosi's podium stolen, a desk that got peed on, and a few scattered clashes with a dozen or so cops. In only one video did I see any real "violence" between police and protestors, and the protestors in that 30-minute video only penetrated about 70 feet or so into an outer hallway of the Capitol, and with some effort the police completely pushed them out within 30 minutes.

A complete lie, exposed 2 months later as:
1 heart attack,
2 strokes (including officer Brian Sicknick, that his own brother reported as a stroke back on Jan 8th) ,
1 drug overdose death, and
1 Trump supporter (Ashli Babbitt) shot for no good reason by an anonymous Capitol police officer, in a clear case of excessive force, that for corrupt reasons no one wants to prosecute.

What occurred in the Capitol were about 3 hours of sporadic riots and mischief (NOT "insurrection") and without even needing to clean up, the joint session House and Senate came back and concluded their electoral college business in the same room, with no visible damage. There were no burned buildings, there were no hostage-takings, there was no occupied or seized territory, THERE WERE NO GUNS. There was no "insurrection", just a lying Democrat narrative. There were many exaggerations and false narratives created by Democrats, now disproven, but that is the full extent of the damage.

No " WHITE RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED OFFICER SICKNICK BY BLUDGEONING HIM WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER", no "CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER DIED BECAUSE OF REACTION TO CHEMICAL SPRAYED BY TRUMP RACISTS" no "BEAR SPRAY CAUSED SICKNICK'S STROKE", no "PEPPER SPRAY CAUSED SICKNICK'S STROKE". Every last one of those narratives was proven to be a lie and completely unfactual, and even finally retracted after 4 months in late April by George Orwell's New York Times, who initially created the narrative.
And since Sicknick's own brother said the officer died of a stroke, I think it was clearly a deliberate false narrative kept alive for those 4 months by collaborative lies, by the DC coroner's office, by the Capitol police department, and by the New York Times and other media. They kept that lie alive for 4 months.

And the video footage inside the Capitol, showing every second Officer Sicknick clashed with those who came inside the Capitol, shows that at no point was any extinguisher thrown at Sicknick, at no point was anything sprayed on Sicknick.

Every one of these media narratives, including the "insurrection" narrative, have been PROVEN false.
Jill Sanborn proved that "insurrection" narrative false, when she revealed there were no guns confiscated either in the Capitol building or anywhere in Washington Square that day.

Out of "well over 100,000" Trump supporters in the area, as reported by OAN's Jack Posobiec, who was there all day, and videotaped a panorama from the roof of the Capitol of the crowds as evidence of the protest's size, there were only about 600 who entered the Capitol building at all, and over 90% of them were only cited for "tresspassing" or "violating curfew".
That leaves about 50 who were charged with any kind of violence.

As said previously (1) 10 to 20 of those were John Earle Sullivan and his Anfifa/BLM group, who videotaped THEIR destruction (which they videotaped, and openly gloated about blaming on Trump supporters). And (2) as reported by Tucker Carlson and others, the FBI's own investigation reports from Jan 6th mention about 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.e., either FBI undercover agents, or FBI informants), and one of those agents shared a hotel room with the head of the Oath Keepers who were there that day, and this "un-indicted co-conspirator" appears to be the one who laid out the plan for violent protests, that those in the Oath Keepers group were persuaded to go along with (of which I recall 3 were indicted for). So if that turns out to be the case, NONE of this would have occurred if not for the FBI's orchestration of it, TO FRAME and discredit Trump supporters.

Very similar to the alleged "white supremacist" plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, where 5 are believed to have been involved, and 2 of the 5 were FBI agents or informants, including the one who proposed the kidnapping plan!

This also follows the FBI plan in 2016 to send "assets" such as Natalia Veselnitskaya posing as Russian agents, and other U.S. agents infiltrating the Trump campaign such as Stefan Halper, to offer illegal Russian information and Hillary Clinton e-mails to Trump officials as bait, to entrap them to buy or receive information they never sought without it being solicited. And fortunately they didn't take the bait, and actually reported the offers (Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Caputo) to the FBI !
The FBI were disappointed they didn't take the bait, but never investigated, because it was completely a deceitful FBI operation.

This also resembles in 2016 when Democrat operatives were hired to disguise themselves as Trump supporters and infiltrate a Trump rally, and start violence to be blamed on "violent Trump supporters". The thugs involved openly bragged on camera about their plot, about being hired and paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign to do so, boasting of being paid through "a double-wall of deniability". The video is still available to view on Project Veritas' website, and last I looked, on Youtube as well.

There's also the "Fast and Furious" use of ATF to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels, that were used to kill a U.S. border guard, and also dozens of Mexican civilians. This was also an Obama plot, to sell guns used for violence to Mexican cartels, and then blame U.S. gun retailers for the violence, to rationalize a federal crackdown on U.S. gun retailers, but the plan went wrong, and was exposed. Katie Pavelich documented this Obama scheme in her book on the subject.

There is a consistent pattern of Democrat false-flag operations and frame-ups, to blame Republicans and Trump supporters, and to weaponize federal agencies against them. Your alleged Jan 6th "insurrection" narrative has likewise been revealed to be absolute shit garbage.
50 people, out of over 100,000 Trump supporters on Jan 6th is far from an "insurrection", even if all 50 had guns and a military plan, which they didn't. But as I said, evidence shows 10 or 20 of them were BLM/Antifa (John Earle Sullivan's group) and 20 more of them were FBI agent "un-indicted co-conspirators" , which accounts for most of the 50 not even being actual Trump supporters. And possibly none of the orchestrators of violence (what little violence actually did occur that day) were actual Trump supporters, possibly just a few dupes who were tricked into going along with BLM/Antifa or FBI false-flag operations on Jan 6th.