The kraken dies
“ The judge on Monday repeatedly asked how much work the lawyers had done to verify the fraud claims. In response, several argued that they did not need to do that, if the witnesses believed that what they were saying was true. Fact-finding could be done during the course of the lawsuit, the attorneys who filed it argued.
At one point, Parker, sitting in the Eastern District of Michigan, asked the nine lawyers who took part in bringing the lawsuit if they had ever followed up to learn if any of their so-called witnessed actually saw a vote being changed.
No one responded. "Let the record reflect," Parker responded, noting their silence.
"There has to be a minimal belief on the part of counsel that these ... are rooted in fact," Parker said. "Every lawyer has a duty" to do minimal research to verify evidence presented in court, the judge added.”

There needs to be consequences for this. In all these months since the election none of them even attempted to verify their allegations.

Fair play!