Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You’re going to die tonight

Some more video of after Trump’s rally and the capitol being attacked.

AGAIN, no one is identified in that video. Was that one of John Earle Sullivan's Antifa/BLM group, disguised ss Trump supporters, who openly bragged on video they wanted to frame Trump supporters for their own vandalism, destruction and violence?
Was it one of the 20 or so "un-indicted co-conspirator" undercover FBI agents who also wanted to frame Trump supporters?

No one was arrested or identified, so that video doesn't mean shit. The overwhelming evidence is that malicious false-flag agents from multiple sides, desperately want TO FRAME Trump supporters, who in fact were overwhelmingly peaceful on Jan 6th.

AGAIN: Over 100,000 protesters that day on January 6th 2021, of those about 600 went inside the Capitol (many invited in by Capitol police), and only about 50 of those actually smashed windows, committed vandalism, peed on a desk, stole some personal letters, or stole a podium.
And possibly a tiny fraction of them clashed with police. But as I said, possibly all 50 arrested for "violence" were actually Antifa/BLM (caught on video by John Earle Sullivan and his group themselves) or the 20 or so agent-provacateur FBI agents trying to trick Trump supporters into violence.
Or possibly ALL of the violent offenders were false-flag deceivers trying to frame Trump supporters.

The FBI in the first 2 months arrested 290 people, over 90% of whom were only charged with "trespassing". No violence.

In the month after, that was not enough to keep the "insurrection" narrative alive, so the Democrat-weaponized FBI arrested another 100 or so trespassers, to keep the narrative going of a "widening investigation". While FBI is simultaneously giving actual violent BLM and Antifa violent criminals, arsonists and murderers from riots in cities nationwide in 2020 light sentences and release on bail, they are keeping Jan 6th trespassers who committed no crime solitary confinement and brutal treatment by guards, denied bail, just to prop up a lying Democrat narrative.

Another month later in May 2021, Democrat political hack Merrick Garland was appointed attorney general, and declared the phantom "white supremacist insurrectionists" to be the single greatest threat to the nation, and ordered the rounding up of another 100 trespasser Jan 6th Trump supporters arrested. All just to keep a lying Democrat narrative alive. This is abuse of federal power, weaponizing federal law enforcement against Republican political opponents, just to sell a narrative. Imprisoning innocent people, just to sell a narrative. While letting criminals free: Democrat officials clearly guilty of crimes, criminal illegals pouring across our border averaging over 6,000 a day, gang members, drug cartel members, rapists, murderers, and criminal members of the FBI and DOJ from the last 5 years, such as Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Priestap, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, and so many others. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Obama, and the others who set up Michael Flynn in the Oval Office meeting on Jan 5 2017. They all go unindicted despite the evidence. But the Trump-supporting trespassers are in solitary confinement.

AGAIN: Jill Sanborn the FBI assistant director of counter terrorism leading the investigation said NOT ONE FIREARM was found of confiscated on January 6th in or around Washington Square.
No firearms = no militant armed rebellion = no lying Democrat-talking-point "insurrection".