Originally Posted by iggy
Like I said...clusterfuck...

He already outed that it should match up with his sharing the info he had. State Senate GOPers are even starting to back away from it. But, I'm sure Wondy jacks it to Kelli Ward like the committed wackjob he is so the absolute batshit surrounding this "audit" will seem totally above board for him.

Must be hard to be a delusional fucking wanker like Wondy.

Your own profanity-laden unhinged anger undermines your credibility.
You're an angry partisan leftist fanatic looking for pseudo-facts to confirm your own preconceived biases. You have no interest in the truth. When the full Arizona audit results are released, then you'll have a basis for making a statement, vs. your eager speculation to pre-emptively dismiss it. You and the rest of the Left want to slander the Arizona audit, so when the full FACTS come out, they won't be believed. The Arizona audit is already the gold standard by which audits in other states, beginning with Georgia and Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, are moving forward.

Newsweek is clearly a part of the biased liberal media. When you see FACTS reported disproving the audit evidence (not wild speculation, based on no facts) in the Washington Journal, New York Post, The Federalist, Daily Caller, Revolver News, National Review, American Spectator, American Thinker, Human Events, OAN News, Newsmax, or even Fox News, get back to me.

Till then, you remain a vindictive partisan blowhard with nothing of substance to say.

Against the actual facts.


Democrats and the liberal media are trying to bury the true Arizona audit facts in an ocean of Democrat-Bolshevik negative propaganda.

Add to that how the Maricopa County election board didn't even have passwords to independently verify the election result. The Maricopa Election Board and subordinate election employees were completely dependent on the Dominion Voting Systems employees (ALL of them, on their social media accounts vitriolic Trump-haters, Antifa members, who proudly displayed far-Left Democrat connections until explosed). Dominion partisan radicals, who spoon-fed to Maricopa officials a version of election counts that Arizona officials COULD NOT EVEN VERIFY ON THEIR OWN. That alone disqualifies the Arizona election results.

Add to that massive swaths of missing votes and flash drives, and tampered election boxes where the seals were broken and clearly altered.

Or the 18,000 illegitimate voters who were taken off the Arizona voter-rolls just days after the election.
Biden "won" the Arizona election by only 10,473 fraudulent election votes, these exposed facts alone wipe away Biden's margin of victory, and there were hundreds of thousands of other demonstrably fraudulent votes. Dead Voters, illegal immigrant votes.

And about 74,000 "Mail-in ballots" that were clearly computer-generated pre-filled-in circle-bubbles, and flat ballot pages, CLEARLY not three-folded and mailed in envelopes, and no legally required envelopes that would normally be stapled to each ballot, to verify they were mailed in. Without the envelopes, in any previous election these ballots would immediately be thrown out as invalid. But they were received and counted, despite no record that the state of Arizona ever even mailed them out !



In any other previous presidential election, these 74,000 ballots, and thousands more, would have been thrown out, and Trump would have decisively won Arizona, and the 5 other contested states.
And that fact, Trump's actual victory, is gradually coming to light, with more evidence trickling out a little more every day.