Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think Iggy just gave up on you WB. The cops sharing what they endured that day is obviously a problem for trumpers. The guy who entered the capitol with rope and goggles is the one you see as a victim. The cop who was getting beaten and suffered a heart attack while defending the capitol, he gets your hate. I have no illusions that this doesn’t work for trumpers but for everyone else?

Those 4 Democrat-activist cops were clearly reading words that were not their own, and were not testifying in a "just the facts" way.
They were CLEARLY using emotionally charged language and buzzwords, such as "terrorists" and "insurrectionists" to describe protesters and rioters, in a way that supported the Democrat narrative.
They presented no new evidence.
No one, no Democrat on the committee, not either of the RINO piece of shit so-called "Republicans" on the one-sided "bipartisan" committee, challenged their statements, or asked if the body-camera footage or the security footage inside the Capitol on January 6th would support their statements, and if not, why it would contradict them.
Harry Dunn, the DC Metro police officer who alleged the word "nigger" was widely used on him about 200 times from the protesters, never produced any evidence that actually occurred, and no one produced video footage to verify or disprove it.
It was a show, a lying narrative. It was all a show. Period.

Officer Michael Fanone doesn't get "hate" from me, he gets called on his partisanship, and a lack of facts, a lack of evidence, to verify what he alleges. He is a love-child of CNN and MSNBC only because he fronts a political narrative they want to proselytize. Another Michael Avenatti.

Not called to testify were those thousands injured in cities nationwide during the Black Lives Matter protests over the Summer of 2020.

Or the over 50 officers and Secret Service agents who were injured protecting the White House in May 2020, so close to being overwhelmed by BLM/Antifa insurrectionist mobs that Secret Service evacuated President Trump from the White House despite his reluctance, in an >>ACTUAL<< insurrection against the president.

Not called into evidence were the 25 people killed, or testimony of their surviving families, never called to testify by the House and Senate Democrat-Bolsheviks.
Nor called were the 2,000 injured officers.
Nor called were the owners and employees of thousands of businesses in over 275 cities nationwide that were burned to the ground and never rebuilt.
Not called to testify were the federal agents who have been attacked nightly for 10 months and ongoing at federal buildings in Seattle and Portland and elsewhere, some federal agents of whom Antifa and BLM activists tried to trap in burning buildings and burn alive, that Antifa and BLM activists DELIBERATELY and permanently blinded with lasers focused on their eyes for hours while they defended these buildings.
THESE people were never called to testify, about an ACTUAL nationwide insurrection.
All these facts of nationwide insurrection, and billions in damage and injuries across hundreds of cities across the U.s., all ignored by the Democrat-controlled judiciary committee.
ONLY the piece of shit Bolsheviks who conformed to their preferred lying Democrat narrative were called to testify.

And like I said, these Democrat-partisan activists, disguised as Capital and DC Metro cops, only had to defend the Capitol building for about 3 hours at most.
They endured the same things, less actually, than the cops in over 275 other cities nationwide last summer, INCLUDING the siege on Trump's White House in May 2020, where Secret Service had to evacuate him to a secure location.

These other officers across over 275 cities last summer, endured permanent injuries and blindness, some of them were killed, and the Democrats don't give a damn about them, or their surviving families. They were never called to testify.
They don't give a damn about an unarmed Ashli Babbitt who was killed by a Capitol police officer for no logical reason.
Babbitt's husband said that his local DEMOCRAT congressman (San Diego) never called to offer sympathies or to press for investigation on the husband's behalf. Never returned the husband's calls, when he called his House representative.

On January 6th, there were some riots and uncivility by roughly 60 people (out of over 100,000 protesters, 40 of the 60 either undecover FBI or BLAM/Antifa) , but no permanent damage to the Capitol, and the House and Senate members came in THE EXACT SAME LEGISLATION ROOM about 3 hours later and completed the electoral vote. No destruction, no arson.
As contrasted with the other more than 275 war-torn cities nationwide from the BLM riots in 2020, over 275 cities that remain like war zones in rubble, with thousands of business owners and tens of thousand of employees who will NEVER be able to go back to their former lives.

In your own native Minneapolis alone, ONE CITY, there remains 5 ENTIRE MILES of looted and burned former businesses. A war zone.

And you, and these Democrat-punk officers whine about "terrorists" and "insurrection" on Jan 6th.
THESE are the people, in these 275 BLAM-torched and looted cities, who know what ACTUAL loss, and ACTUAL "insurrection" really are.