Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So a cop using the word terrorist is problematic for trumpers who all cheered on their fat lying corrupt pos whenever he used the word to describe anyone that was publicly protesting against police brutality. WB you are so easy to see through. Trump is still telling easily debunked lies about the election he lost. I used to think republicans valued truth and democracy but now those are apparently “rinos”

It's a death cult. Hell, just saw Sidney Powell say Fox was now just an arm of the democratic socialist communist party and pure fascism. I assume it is over their unwillingness to push Lindell's three days of insanity "symposium." These people, wondy included, are unhinged and it is time we started to treat them that way. This isn't about election fraud. It is about radicalizing the true believers.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-07-31 6:51 PM.