Also, as the "Five people KILLED by white racist Trump supporters" narrative has collapsed, the first person who died (1) Ashli Babbit has proven to be unarmed and not a threat when shot and killed from 25 feet away for no logical reason. And there was even no investigation, as Capitol Police covered it up, and just swept it under the rug.

So there was (2) one stroke (NOT killed by Trump supporters) that killed officer Brian Sicknick (who by the way was a Trump supporter, who wrote his House representative to oppose Trump's Jan 2020 impeachment. )
Another man (3) in his 50''s who died of a stroke (NOT killed by Trump supporters),
(4)another man in his 50's who died of a heart attack (NOT killed by Trump supporters), both previously treated for these medical conditions.

And (5) Roseanne Boyland, age 34. Who initially was reported dead by the false narrative of being trampled to death by other Trump supporters, then was reported to have died by the false narrative of a drug overdose, then replaced by the false narrative of having collapsed from a seizure and died receiving CPR. It now turns out that she may be the SECOND Trump supporter murdered by police:

Predictably at this point, a true account of what happened, as witnessed in video footage and by multiple witnesses, suppressed for months by another false narrative from the liberal media, and by Bolshevik-aligned Capitol Police and FBI, and a completely indifferent Democrat controlled House that refuses to investigate, because to investigate would undermine and expose their false narrative.