
'Reminiscent of Jan. 6': Violent protesters arrested after storming Interior Department, injuring officers

Dozens of activists protesting fossil fuel projects were arrested Thursday in Washington, D.C., after they staged a sit-in at the Interior Department, a move that led to "multiple injuries" and at least one law enforcement officer being transported to a hospital.
Demanding that President Biden declare climate change an emergency, People vs. Fossil Fuels, the group responsible for the protest, organized a week-long series of demonstrations against the president as he approves different fossil fuel projects.

Following the protest, Interior Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz released a statement through a series of tweets.
"Early this afternoon, a group of protestors entered the Stewart Lee Udall Main Interior Building," Schwartz wrote. "Federal Protective Service personnel responded to the area to mitigate the situation. Multiple injuries were sustained by security personnel, and one officer has been transported to a nearby hospital. Medics representing both the Department and the protesters were present."

Schwartz also noted that Interior Secretary Deb Haaland was not in Washington during the protest and insisted that leadership at the department "believes strongly in respecting and upholding the right to free speech and peaceful protest."

According to video footage from The Washington Post's Ellie Silverman, activists could be seen climbing up doors and pushing officers back as they tried to force their way into the Interior Department.
Andy Ngô, a conservative journalist who often covers events related to Antifa, shared one of Silverman's videos. He described the scene at the federal building as "reminiscent of Jan. 6," noting that officers were forced to draw their stun guns as "extreme environmentalist protesters" attempted to make their way inside.

Event organizers alleged that "police tased and hit multiple people with batons" and "55 people were arrested and taken away to DC Metro police stations."
"Police acted aggressively with the water protectors and indigenous leaders, tasing at least two people and hitting others with batons," the group claimed. "An independent indigenous media person was assaulted by the police and had his equipment broken."
Fox News reached out to the Federal Protective Service (FPS) and received the following statement:

"Yesterday, officers from the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service (FPS) responded to a demonstration at the Stewart L. Udall Building. FPS is committed to the safety of demonstrators participating in lawful protests and fully supports the peaceful expression of all people. FPS will continue to pursue our mission of ensuring the safety and security of federal employees and facilities, consistent with the law."

In the statement, FPS also offered appreciation for U.S. Park Police and Washington Metropolitan Police Department who assisted in efforts "to detain, prosecute or take action against anyone who caused harm and attempted to disrupt the business of the federal government yesterday."

So why weren't these people shot in the throat like Ashli Babbitt?

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) was asking attorney general Merrick Garland about this in House hearings today, about the DOJ targeting parents who oppose critical race theory being taught to their children, the DOJ treating them as domestic terrorists. I'm not aware of a single incident where parents have either threatened or physically attacked radical leftist/critical race theory PTA boards, these parents have only vowed to not rest until critical race theory is removed from their schools, and these PTA leaders are driven out of office and replaced.

The only incidents I'm aware of where there was even a clash with police (and on both occasions initiated overly-aggressively by police) are:

1) in June when the PTA board prematurely ended a meeting where they didn't like the onslaught of questions from parents and their board being exposed as radicals, and prematurely ended the PTA meeting and forced parents to leave without allowing them to even speak or ask questions. When people just stayed in the room and refused to leave, the PTA had police overly-aggressively arrest one father, who did nothing but stand there.

2) another incident in Loudon County, Virginia, a father whose daughter had been raped by a 15 year old transgender male, and the incdent covered up by the school, again was just trying to speak, and police threw him to the floor and arrested him, completely unprovoked, as a way to prevent him from publicly exposing what had happened. Rather than prosecuting the rape, the school board covered up the rape, and transferred the transgender predator to another school, where he sexually assaulted another teenage girl. Which also went unpunished, until this father of the first assaulted girl came forward.

In both cases there was no "right wing violence", despite it being portrayed as such. These were incidents completely manufactured and set up by the Democrat-Left and their police storm troopers. So they could rationalize a DOJ targeting of those who PEACEFULLY and patriotically oppose the leftist over-reach of ramming critical race theory indoctrination down the throats of these parents and their children.

Merrick Garland has become the Democrats' Lavrentiy Beria, who allows the Democrat-Bolsheviks to use the DOJ/FBI as a weaponized arm of the the Democrat party to attack, intimidate, and arrest without trial their conservative opposition. Hidden by a timid sounding voice, he has overseen the politicized weaponization of the DOJ/FBI to perhaps the worst level in history. And with past abusers of power like J. Edgar Hoover and James Comey/Andrew McCabe and company, that is a feat indeed. Garland has proven himself infinitely unworthy of having ever been considered as a U.S. Supreme Court justice, in how his DOJ has trampled on the Constitution and kept 600 innocent people in the harshest of prison conditions, just to feed his party's Jan 6th political narrative . China, Russia, Iran, Belarus and Myanmar now have cause to laugh when we criticize their human rights abuses.