Originally Posted by iggy
Ray Epps said peacefully, but he's different and to blame for all of this rather than Trump who also said peacefully while saying to fight like hell or lose your country?

You're in a fucking cult, you moron.

1) Every time you post, you prove I'm right, that you're a malicious piece of human garbage. Pure insults, no facts, just pure malicious spite on your part. You're a liar, who can't control your self-incriminating vicious streak.

2) Ray Epps, according to the FBI's own investigation reports of Jan 6th events is one of "AT LEAST 20" un-indicted co-conspirators, each one an agent provacateur trying to stoke Trump supporters into violence, FBI agents who ON VIDEO committed some of the worst of the violence. And despite shown on video leading the violence, the FBI is not even looking for these "AT LEAST 20". Because they are the FBI's own, who tried to set up and frame Trump supporters.

3) Trump said absolutely nothing to incite violence on January 6th, either in his speech that day, or in his social media posts all throughout the afternoon of Jan 6th, in every post guiding his ACTUAL supporters over and over to "remain peaceful".
(NOT the 20 or so FBI un-indicted co-conspirators sent to frame Trump and his supporters, And NOT John Earle Sullivan and his 20 or so BLM/Antifa group, who openly boast on video they are there to frame Trump supporters, Who combined were at least 40 of the 60 who committed vandalism or violence on Jan 6th.)
In saying "fight like hell", Trump used the same language as literally hundreds of other speakers at that very same Washington mall over the last 20 years, phrasing that both Democrats and Republicans have used to press their supporters to protest vigorously for their respective causes. So what you say is once again lies, misrepresentation with no context, and pure malicious propaganda talking points.