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And what a destructive year for America.

Last week, several news outlets cited this as the worst week of Biden's presidency.
With his hate-filled speech comparing his Republican opposition to Bull Connor, Confederate president Jefferson Davis, and George Wallace, all three of whom Biden didn't seem to realize were Democrats.
Particularly George Wallace who Biden has many times on camera for decades boasted was a friend and political ally of his, and he shared George Wallace's racist attitude toward integration of schools, Biden in one famous televised speech saying integration will turn our schools into "racial jungles.

How can anyone, even your average Democrat voter, not see that Biden BY FAR more closely resembles the racist hatred of these 3 cited DEMOCRATS ?
That Biden "racial jungle" video clip, by the way, is from 1993, not that long ago. As I recall, this was part of the push for legislation for 100,000 more police nationwide, and the "three strikes you're out" mandatory sentences for repeat offenders.

And that's just one piece of Biden's 50 years of vocal racism during his political career.
Biden's "Bull Connor" speech last week got a lot of pushback, even from Democrats. And Biden's polls dropped even further.

Then there's the Russian army massing on the Ukranian border. In his press conference 2 days ago, Biden said that Putin will invade and get away with it.
Now into the third day since that disastrous press conference, Biden's pundits in the media are still trying to walk that one back, and attempt to gaslight the public that Biden didn't say what he clearly said.

North Korea.
Al Qaida, ISIS, the Mexican drug cartels, are all elated and slapping each other high-fives. They can't believe the self-destruction of the United States under Biden, and the opportunity for them to run wild for years under him.

I'm deeply concerned that over the next year, Russia and China will simultaneously invade Ukraine and Taiwan, and possibly a simultaneous assault by Iran on Israel. Another world war. The danger of them pushing the limits of brinksmanship is that it could go farther than either side intended. That's what happened to begin both world wars I and II.

On the positive side, at some point, the Democrat-Bolshevik push seems to have crested to its high-water mark and receded. After trillions in wasteful spending bills, it has finally reached a level of unpopularity that House and Senate Democrats (enough of them, anyway) have backed off and not supported new Biden legislation.
The $ 3.5 trillion-dollar "Build Back Better" bill was rejected.
The "H.R. 1/S.R.1" nationalization of elections bill was rejected.
The attempted circumnavigation to ram the S.R.1 bill through anyway by abolishing the filibuster, to pass it with a simple 51-vote majority (in a 50-50 Senate with Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker) ALSO failed.

It made sense that at some point the Democrat-Bolsheviks had to back off and start thinking about re-election as the 2022 election got closer. And it finally happened. The level of backlash hostility toward the Democrat leadership after a year of unprecedented destruction to the nation, skyrocketing fuel prices, hyperinflation, pointless and ineffective vaccine mandates that don't even work, to a point that many Democrats, at least 30 so far, have announced they're not even going to run for re-election, seeing their inevitable rejection by the voters.

I said it pretty well at the beginning on January 6th: Biden and the Democrats' reign of terror began the moment Trump conceded the election on January 6 2021: The immediate purge of Trump by Facebook, by Twiiter , and by 17 other social media sites occurred within hours of Trump's concession speech.
Then the purge of Trump conservatives even within the military began, using the U.S. Postal Service, and even the NSA to surveil soldiers and officers for "extreme" ties , i.e. Trump-supporting social media posts. (conversely, radical Marxist posts by those in police or military, or posts in support of Black Lives Matter or Antifa are not considered extreme by the purging elite. Only political expression by those on the right , for far less, for merely supporting Trump were labelled "extremist" and subject to purge from the military.)

And then the second wave of the purge: vaccine mandates that further purge mostly conservatives from federal jobs, military careers, federal contractor jobs, teachers, university professors, doctors and nurses in hospitals, and other executive , mid-management and laborer positions in the private sector.
For no reason.
We now know the vaccines don't prevent infection.

In the last 3 weeks since Christmas, about 30 House, Senate and White House staffers have contracted Covid-19 "Omicron" strain, despite all being either double- or triple-vaccinated. The mandates clearly have no preventive effect, and only exist at this point to purge conservatives from jobs.
And of course, replace them with like-minded Democrat zealots. Further eroding Republican/conservative representation and our 2-party system.
Because the goal is a one-party authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik system.

A system that will hopefully itself be decapitated and purged by a majority of voters in the Nov 2022 election.