My dads unexpected death in 2015 along with all the stress from going through the divorce caused a severe mental breakdown. I made some bad choices, payed for them, and then woke up and started cleaning up my life. I got the divorce finalized in 2017. It was super messy and she made the divorce, and me being alive, as difficult as possible for as long as she could. I lost the house in foreclosure because she refused to pay the mortgage, allow it to be sold, or move out so I stopped paying on it. I walked away for my sanity and it cost me everything I’ve ever owned. Good news is because she refused to show to court I got out of it with no alimony.

I rescued my dog back from her. He was severely neglected and missing chunks of hair from his body. I don’t believe it was physical abuse, he was just stressed and eating poorly because she was such a disaster. I left him in my moms care and moved away. I met a new woman and she treats me so well and kindly I almost can’t believe how fortunate I am! We got married last year and for the first time in my life, I have peace in my home.

I found out through contacts that my ex was going through liver failure. I made contact with her to try and make peace with her but it’s impossible. She has made such a hash of her life and she blames me and her parents for all of it. She tried tearing me apart one last time but I just wished her the best and blocked her for the last time.