
Yet another school mass shooting occurred today, this time in Uvalde , Texas. So new it hasn't been added to the list of shootings on Wikipedia.

The facts as they're currently known:

This is barely a week after a mass shooting in a Buffalo, New York supermarket.

The Democrat/Left as usual is leaping to exploit the event, to push their agenda of gun control, even before the facts are known of the shooter and his motivations.
Michael Moore, knowing nothing but his preconceived ideological agenda, used the shooting to call for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.
Democrat leaders similarly exploited the event --again: knowing nothing-- to call for further gun restrictions, including President Biden, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY), on and on.

George Orwell's liberal media is also hard-selling the Democrats' propaganda talking points. Again: knowing virtually nothing of the crime or its motivations.

If Democrats and their propaganda wing in the media can propagandize any given shooting as a "right wing extremist/ white supremacist" -motivated event, they are quick to do so, even when in more than 90% of such cases the facts almost always disprove that "right wing/white racist" narrative within 24 hours as the full facts become known.
And conversely, they have absolutely no interest in covering the story as soon as a black, muslim, hispanic, transgender/gay or otherwise liberal/Democrat /nonwhite person is (more often) revealed as the shooter, at which point they cease covering the story, as if it never happened.

Only if the shooting fits their "white racist/right wing" narrative do they continue to cover it.