Originally Posted by McGurk
I'm still waiting for one of these psycho school shootings to be the beginning of the end of songs about blazing guns, including 'love songs'

Vince Staples, R. Kelly, Diddy, I'm talking to you.

That's kind of like how Matt Damon and other Hollywood-Left actors bemoan the second amendment and call for banning guns. And then make movie after movie laying scorched earth to cities and slaughtering dozens with the same weapons they bemoan the use of.

The cop killing songs are born of intense black racial hatred of white America. As long as groups like Black Lives Matter exist, and that mentality in black America, those songs are never going away. I wish the were, but they're not. That "white racist" and "police war on blacks" narrative is still too strong, and not criticized enough, in a liberal media, in a Hollywood elite, in a Democrat party leadership that still fronts that lying narrative, for their own purposes. And a Republican party that mostly sits on its hands, because it is more afraid of being called "racist" than it is incentivized to do or say what needs to be said.