Cops in the case were in a damned pickle that would've made them wrong regardless of what they did here. Not sure what all they knew about the shooter at the time, but I can see a solid case for them feeling the need to pause if they knew only of the "assault style weapon" and a tactical vest (whether they knew it wasn't lined is another question all together). There was that guy who ambushed a bunch of them in TX a few years ago. Not being equipped and possibly thinking of that situation may not have helped in the decision making. There is also the issue of how we'd be talking about them today had it turned into a firefight and kids died in the crossfire. We can know that wouldn't have been the case because the dude was a schlub with a gun looking back, but they didn't necessarily know that at the time. Police botched this big time, but I have to say we created a lot of fertile soil for botched police reactions in conversations regarding law enforcement for the past decade.