Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Everything consertive outlet that disagrees with me is establishment RINO.


When lifelong Republicans are called RINOs or GOP hijackers by a guy who touts his Nader vote in 2000 as a signal of his not being a cult member, the terms have been completely untethered from reality.

You can't even spell conservative.

I voted Ralph Nader for reasons clearly stated at the time and since, for over 20 years on these boards. Nader, while to the left of my own politics, has spent a lifetime in Washington fighting for the interests of the average man against the Washington swamp machine. While Nader has never held public office, he had up till that time (2000) about 40 years of experience dealing with the beltway politics of both parties, from the inside, while himself remaining an outsider. In some ways similar to Pat Buchanan, who was ostracized when the Republican neo-cons took power in 2000 of all three branches. Buchanan wrote a book in 2004 titled WHERE THE RIGHT WENT WRONG, where he criticized the Republican party for abandoning Reagan-conservative principles, and for the new GOP's embracing of big-government Republican policy. His predictions of that hurting the GOP came true in the 2006 and 2008 elections. If I had a better understanding of Pat Buchanan at the time(that I later got from his books, beginning with DEATH OF THE WEST), I would have voted Buchanan in 2000. Not that it would have changed the outcome.

I've also explained that while in 1992, 1996 and 2000 I voted independent to try and push the GOP to have more conservative candidates in future elections, I ultimately decided that was only helping to elect even worse Democrats, and so I don't vote independent anymore. Donald Trump pulled the ultimate trick, he is essentially a Pat Buchanan-variety independent, who ran as a Republican so he could actually win, and not just get 1% or 2% of the vote as all others have. Trump was elected on the issues Pat Buchanan has championed for 30 years, and Trump's entering as he did in 2015 bypassed the mainstream-establishment wing that's controlled the GOP since Ronald Reagan left as president. The RINO wing.

Yes, they are RINOs and GOP hijackers, because people voted for them to defend conservative-Republican interests, and they have over and over betrayed, caved in, and sold out to the Democrats. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, Susan Collins, John Thune, John Barasso, Roy Blunt, Joni Ernst. These are people who campaigned to repeal Obamacare, for example, in 2010, 2012, and 2014. And over and over once again elected, each instead voted to fund it !

Even when Trump became president after 2016, McCain in particular, betrayed not just Trump, but his own Arizona voters by maliciously casting the deciding vote IN FAVOR OF Obamacare, that prevented its complete repeal. Just to spite Trump. And McCain at that time and in at least the decade prior, was quietly an ally who received contributions and traded favors with George Soros.
The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill is what allowed Soros to fill the void of excluded Democrat large donors, and seize control of the Democrat party in 2004. A campaign finance reform bill that McCain drafted and co-sponsored.
And the Democrat party has gone more increasingly lunatic-Bolshevik-Left every two years since then.

Soros has allies within the GOP, but as David Horowitz says in THE SHADOW PARTY, it is the Democrat party that is the chosen instrument for Soros and other Marxist-Globalists to destroy and overthrow the United States. But as several big-legislation votes have proven, they have just enough Republican turncoats who allow the craziest Bolshevik legislation to pass.
Likewise the Kitanji Brown-Jackson confirmation to the Supreme Court. This nutcase is so far left and un-tethered from Constitutional law that she can't even define a woman !
But because a few RINO Republican senators crossed over, she now sits for life on the Supreme Court, to destroy from within.

Likewise with the Biden legislation in 2021-2022. Even with a 50-50 Senate and V P Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker vote, Democrats should NOT have been able to pass ANY of that legislation. The "firewall" and all that. The conservative pundits assured us each piece of legislation was dead on arrival, that it would never pass.
But then each time at the last minute, these RINOs by the purest definition voted with the Democrats to allow the most insane trillions of waste and hyperinflation-causing spending to go through, with 3, 4, 10, 12 Republican senate votes on various pieces. Not one of these RINOs should be re-elected.

And ultimately Mike Pence's betrayal on Jan 6 2021, giving final approval to the elector votes of a fraudulent election. He had full authority and justification to delay certification of the electoral votes, to open up several weeks of joint-session debate, that would have been covered in those weeks on national television, in a way that the liberal media could not filter and hide the truth. The evidence would have persuaded the majority of the public that the election was fraudulent. What Pence did was allow the media to dismissively cover up election fraud, and allow Facebook, Twitter and the mainstream media to block it from even being discussed. Pence enabled the aggressive Democrat-Bolshevik purge that, as I said in another topic, is a reign of terror that began the moment Trump conceded after Pence's decision on January 6th.

These RINOs are responsible for what has happened to the country in the last 19 months, they are as responsible as Biden. They have enabled it with their legislative votes. And with those legislative votes they have done THE OPPOSITE of what their own voters in their respective states elected them to do.
That's betrayal. That's being a RINO and a GOP hijacker, pure and simple.