The answer to the rhetorica question is: Yes, they absolutely DO hate America, to the point they are trying to destroy our Constitutional republic and all its checks and balances, and set up an authoritarian one-party "socialist"-Marxist state.

What's even more alarming is Democrats/liberals are not even pretending otherwise or trying to keep it a secret while quietly pushing uss toward socialism, as they have in recent decades. From 2017 forward, Democrats and the Left are openly saying socialism/Marxism is their goal. As in the example of a New York Democrat who won her primary election a few days ago :

Communist China survivor issues warning to Americans: Socialism is only the first stage


Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Mao Zedong's communist revolution in China, joined "Fox & Friends Weekend" Saturday to share her experience living under and fleeing from communism. Van Fleet cautioned socialist supporters in the U.S. from embracing a dangerous ideology and "abandoning freedom."

XI VAN FLEET: I just want to say it's so ironic. 36 years ago, I run away from socialism when I left China to come to this great country for freedom. Today, so many Americans [are] abandoning freedom and arriving into socialism. They have no idea what socialism is about. I lived under Mao's socialism. When the government controls everything and makes all the decisions big and small and decide how much grain, meat [and] cooking oil I could have. What I should learn in school, where I should live, and what job I should have and how I should think. In the socialist society I lived under, there was no choices. There is no freedom. And that's what people do not know. Socialism becomes such a diluted word and it's intentional. I can tell you, China is a socialist country. Cuba is a socialist country and so is North Korea. They are a socialist country run by communist parties. And what's the difference? What's the difference between socialism and communism? Not much. Socialism is the initial stage of communism, according to Karl Marx.

Vladimir Lenin said: "The goal of socialism is communism."

That is also the goal of Cultural Marxist Democrat leaders in the U.S.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are Cultural Marxists.
Barack and Michelle Obama are Cultural Marxists.
The puppetmasters who truly control the Biden administration (Susan Rice and Ron Klain, and possibly Barack Obama himself, who hand-picked these two) are Cultural Marxists.

They are trying to create a permanent one-party authoritarian government, so that Democrats will have a permanent majority and never lose another election.
That is why they want to establish federal control over elections, taking away that power from the individual 50 states, to determine their own election laws (a k a, H R 1, and SB. 1, that they already tried to ram through earlier this year).
That is why they are trying to make Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states.
That is why they are flooding this country with millions of illegal immigrants.
That is why they are using environmental laws and a "green new deal" and mandating expensive electric vehicles to crush U.S. energy independence, to create foreign dependency on China for green energy materials, to make travel within the U.S. prohibitively expensive, to control movement of people, to tighten authoritarian federal control over the population.

Likewise with restricting farming and the food we can grow and eat. Starvation and control of the food supply is another weapon of a communist state. Used not long ago in China, and in Ukraine.

A warning to the Democrat zombies who embrace the "socialism" of A O-C, of Bernie Sanders, of Elizabeth Warren, of the Obamas, and to the few zombies left who still support the Biden administration.
There is no greater hatred of America than weaponizing federal agencies to violently crush all your political opposition, to rip up the Constitution and create a one-party authoritarian state, and impose your "socialist" system on an unwilling nation. That is the definition of hating America.