Originally Posted by iggy
Yes, let's focus on this rather than Orange Doofus and his merry sycophants providing justification for Dementi...er, Beijing Joe to walk out of the White House with whatever the fuck the guy they call a traitor thinks is okay.

Are you high on something? The last four posts of yours I've responded to don't make any lucid sense.

Trump, like any departing president, took documents from his presidency when he left the White House. It's not even Trump himself who does this, it's his lawyers, in coordination with NARA (the national records archive) and the FBI, and the GSA (government services agency), in coordination with the departing president's lawyers. Just like every other departing president.

In the 18 months since Trump left the White House and took records to Mar A Lago, in full cooperation at every turn with the FBI. Despite that Mar A Lago is crawling with an army of Secret service and private security, the FBI requested that the materials be padlocked in a room when Trump was away, that Trump and his lawyers did and fully complied with. His lawyers were very friendly and open in communication with the FBI, if you need anything, just call us. And the FBI for 18 months were friendly back.

And now, all of a sudden, they need to do a raid on Mar A Lago to seize records, brandishing AR 15 rifles and 30 agents?

This is a stunt by Democrat / Deep State agents in the DOJ and FBI, to smear Trump and distract from Biden's 18 months of nation-destroying colossal failure. Which narrative, of course, the liberal media wants to go along with.
Fox News, Newsmax, and other conservative media, while covering the hypocrisies of the Mar A Lago raid (while not doing the same to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein, or Bill Clinton or Sandy Berger for endangering and mishandling classified documents FAR more egregiously) these conservative media sources are able to balance coverage of the Mar A Lago FBI crimes and partisan hypocrisy, but while also keeping their focus on Biden's failures, not distracted by the FBI's false narrative.