Originally Posted by iggy
I know it is hard to say you stupidly chose a swamp monster to "drain the swamp" of the unresponsive and often corrupt beltway bayou, but that's the way forward. You let a vulture take advantage of your fairly warranted anger at a machine that left way too many behind as it waved the banner of progress. Quite a few of us recognize the government got quite bad to make Orange Asshole think he'd feel comfortable making the swamp his private swimming pool. Enabling him doesn't help though, guy. He is neither cure nor disease. He's a symptom.


The reality is, Trump is an outsider who wanted to clean up at least 33 years of corruption by both parties. And that is why the Deep State (both establishment Democrats AND establishment Republicans, and their permanent corrupt bureaucracy in federal agencies) have been so desperate to destroy Donald Trump and those helping him drain the swamp, for 7 years now.
While Trump is not a perfect person, and like everyone else, has occasionally said some dumb stuff and made some bad decisions, the fact is that he's been under a federal, state, and U.S. attorneys microscope and had every Constitutional and attorney-client right of his violated for SEVEN YEARS. And the Democrat-weaponized FBI has found absolutely nothing on Trump, despite every attempt and evey Orwellian over-reach of their legal authority.
And even with the illegal Mar A Lago raid, that the DOJ/FBI STILL don't have ANYTHING to charge Trump with, is testament to a level of integrity on the part of Trump, to endure that level of investigative scrutiny and still come up clean, that even I, as a supporter, would not have believed Trump or anyone was capable of enduring.
And if the piece of shit compromised FBI and DOJ and corrupt attorney general Merrick Garland had come up with anything, they would be gloating about it and saying they got their man. But they aren't, because they don't.

So this unprecedented raid on a former U.S. president, this abuse by DOJ and FBI partisan fanatics, CLEARLY documented in their own e-mails and texts (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Priestap, Clinesmith, Thibault... ), that they were out to get Trump and are zealously loyal to the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens and any other Democrats.
Who for at least 12 years have been burying any FBI evidence to convict any of these clearly guilty Democrats, while making up false scandals out of thin air, just to destroy Trump and any of his staff, and even any lawyers who would defend Trump.

Lawyers are shying away from defending Trump, not because they believe Trump is wrong, but because to defend Trump and just help give him a fair legal hearing will result in a malicious hate-filled backlash that will destroy their careers and their personal fortunes, and in multiple case examples get them imprisoned, or at least get them smothered and impoverished with legal fees.
Just ask Alan Dershowitz (NOT EVEN A REPUBLICAN!), who for even expressing legal views in print and on television that Trump should not be impeached, there have been efforts to remove his position as professor emerituss at Harvard, to take away his credentials, to destroy his career and reputation, even suggestions that his law license should be taken away.
Likewise also defamation and removal from positions for Rudy Giuliani (who had his law license temporarily removed for defending Trump), and Rep. Elise Stefanik (who was removed from a law school teaching position at Harvard for defending Trump.)

Paul Manafort, Gen. Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Carter Page, Rick Gates, and Michael Caputo.
All were overcharged to get them to take a plea bargain for crimes they did not commit.
Several of them (Corsi, Caputo, Manafort, Stone, Flynn) said they were offered a plea deal to get off the hook, if they would lie to incriminate Trump, and read a script written by the Democrat-Bolshevik partisans in the FBI and DOJ.
They refused.

The ones convicted were for charges that had absolutely nothing to do with President Trump. In many cases, there was no case, just perjury traps, cases that should never have been tried (Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort), with hyper-partisan judges and juries, in Soviet-style show trials that should never have even been brought to court.

In the case of Trump lawyer Michael Caputo, the FBI interviewed and harassed his family, his neighbors, his business associates, his clients, making it clear that if they continued to do business with Caputo, they would be harassed and charged just like Caputo. The FBI took an innocent man, and despite that they could not even build a case and press charges, deprived him of any income to legally defend himself.
In the cases of at least Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo, they were bankrupted by legal fees to the point that they had to sell their homes to pay their legal expenses. Michael Flynn (initially) only took a plea deal because the FBI threatened to charge and imprison and similarly destroy his son as well, if he didn't plead guilty.

Who are the honest men, and who are the "vultures", dipshit?

This is Democrat officials weaponizing federal agencies against their political opponents. While simultaneously using those same agencies to bury evidence and intimidate witnesses who would make a case against Democrats like Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, on and on.
The FBI was used to seize the records of Hunter Biden's illegal gun purchase, and intimidate the gunshop owner.
The FBI was used to raid the homes and offices of Project Veritas reporters, and to seize the diary of Joe Biden's sexually molested daughter, and again, to intimidate anyone who would report the abuse, or offer evidence or witness testimony to the abuse.
The FBI has repeatedly intimidated and threatened the computer shop owner who reported Hunter Biden's self-incriminating laptop, the evidence-filled laptop that the hyper-partisan FBI has buried and been sitting on, stonewalling investigation of, since at least Oct 2019.
Due to recurring intimidation and harassment by the FBI, the computer shop owner sold his store and moved to a safe place in the Republican state off Florida.
The FBI was used to intimidate several postal employees who testified in affidavits that they witnessed several forms of deliberate election fraud, through postal managers backdating fraudulent expired ballots. And through transporting huge amounts of manufactured illegal ballots across state lines, to be counted in an election center elsewhere in Pennsylvania.

How much more evidence do you need?

All this attests to the fact that Trump was right. And that the 95% or so of the Republican party who are loyal to him, are right.
And still you hurl insults and stand with the tyrants who are weaponizing federal agencies against honest citizens, who are trying to turn this country into an authoritarian Bolshevik one-party state(H.R. 1, S.B. 1, among other totalitarian executive orders and Bolshevik-Democrat legislation) .
Clearly. Obviously. Undeniably. The abundant evidence spread right in front of you.

Trump's mistake when he came in as president in January 2017 is that he tried to be merciful to Hillary Clinton, and didn't have them prosecute her on abundant evidence, as he should have. He was trying to make peace with the Democrats, and sparing her was the peace offering. But they hated Trump and tried to destroy him anyway.
Trump should have cleared out all Democrat appointed National Security Council members appointed by Obama. He should have cleared out any Democrat appointed ambassadors, any state department officials he could have, any DOJ and FBI Democrat appointees. That Trump tried to be "bipartisan" and reach out with an olive branch, was instead met with a rusty dagger into his back, and it took him most of his four years to find out who the leakers and obstructors were, and replace them. If Trump gets another term, he has learned a valuable lesson that the Democrat / Deep State cannot be negotiated with and permitted to remain in power, and will root it out on day one after his re-inauguration.
James Comey 5 years ago was ostensibly a registered Republican. Now it is clear he is truly a Democrat/Deep State agent. Likewise McCabe and Rosenstein. Democrat-aagent wolves, in sheep's clothing.
Likewise, 6 years ago we thought the FBI and DOJ were made up of agents who were non-partisan and above interfering in politics. Now we've seen their private texts, and know the depths of their Democrat fanaticism, and their willingness to abuse their power to protect Democrats from prosecution, and to manufacture false evidence to indict Trump and other Republicans.

[Linked Image from rushlimbaugh.com]

And : (" FBI Attorney 2" is Kevin Clinesmith, bemoaning with other FBI lawyers that he didn't do enough to rig the election, in his text to others asking himself what else he could have done to prevent Trump from becoming president in Nov 2016. *ALL* these FBI agents and lawyers are clearly like-minded partisans, all expressing outrage that Trump was elected president. Keep in mind that it was in the months leading up to this text exchange that Clinesmith altered CIA documents about Carter Page, altered to say the exact opposite of what they really said, before submitting them as evidence to apply for FISA warrants to a federal judge, to (based on that false evidence) get four separate FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through him the FBI surveiled Trump's entire election team, Trump's entire presidential transition team, and Trump's sitting presidential administration, for an entire year. And no doubt gave that information to the Obama and Hillary Clinton staff, as opposition research. But Clinesmith wishes he had done more.. )

[Linked Image from cdn.wionews.com]

Although this Democrat weaponization of the FBI should have been clear since at least 8 years prior, with the Senator Ted Stevens case,
In the case of Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, where they made up stuff and mired him in scandal, so he dropped just enough in the polls that his Senate seat was won by a Democrat. In a manifestation of how egregiously corrupt all this was, Stevens' case was overturned by an overwhelming 9-0 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. But his Senate seat was left irretrievably still in the hands of a Democrat. All done by a Democrat-weaponized FBI to flip Stevens' Republican Senate seat, and make it Democrat seat.

and the Scooter Libby case (Richard Armitage was the one who inadvertently leaked clues to Valerie Plame's identity, not Libby. And yet Scooter Libby was the one jailed for the crime, and not released for many years, even long after Armitage publicly admitted his error? And Fitzgerald knew from the beginning it was Armitage, not Libby. And sent Libby to jail anyway, just to rack up a corrupt Democrat political win.)

These corrupt FBI incidents over at least a 20 year period involve many of the same partisan and corrupt actors: James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissmann. All the same corrupt criminals in FBI / DOJ, perjury trapss, leveraged plea bargains, deliberately convicting innocent men, in one incident after another, each to give political advantage, for at least 2 decades, to the Democrats.
And even with them fired (and all given lucrative book deals, and CNN and MSNBC "consulting" jobs), the next in line to replace them in FBI and DOJ remain just as Democrat-fanatically partisan and corrupt.

Again: How much more proof do you need ?