Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
In your highly opinionated twisted partisan mind.

You really can't fathom that many of us can happily vote third party or just sit the top of the ticket out, can you? It has to be a winner take all war between team red and team blue. And, it needs to be won by team red! But, it is other people with the "twisted partisan mind." JfC, you are a psychopath.

Good Lord, you are so oblivious to the facts , and even what my stated opinions are on these boards, FOR TWENTY YEARS.

I'm crystal clear that I myself "happily" voted independent in 1992, 1996 and 2000, for Ross Perot the first 2 times, and Ralph Nader the last time.

I'm crystal clear that the Republican party has disappointed me pretty much since Ronald Reagan left office, that the dominant establishment-Republican wing has for the last 15 years or so (and less visibly the last 30 years) campaigned on one thing, and then done the opposite after winning the election.
Trump has for 4 years been in the process of campaigning to get ACTUAL conservatives elected, and has an upward of 95% ratio of successfully doing so. Frankly some of his endorsed candidates I'm less convinced are reliable conservatives (Dr. Oz in PA, and Kari Lake in Arizona, both of whom in the past supported Obama) but I think it can be a case of 1) selecting the most conservative person who can still be elected, which in some regions is someone more moderate, and 2) being convinced they have made a sincere conversion to conservatism and are thus more reliable than their political history otherwise indicates.

Donald Trump himself, by me no less, was questioned initially for being a friend of the Clintons in 2015 when he announced as a candidate, who could have been a foil to hand the election to Hillary. While still a registered Democrat just 2 weeks before he announced his candidacy, Trump turned out to be the most decisive and effective conservative president since Ronald Reagan.
I voted for Trump in 2016 with hesitation, unsure he had the true ability or the will to do what he promised, but he proved his ability and decisiveness as president, greater than any other president in over 50 years.
And as I source-linked above, arguably more effective than even Ronald Reagan.

Reagan himself was for much of his life a Democrat.

And there are plenty of Republicans I've been critical of, so it's not (as you spitefully and probably with deliberate dishonesty oversimplify) just about "Team Red" for me. It is tremendously important precisely who each of those "Team Red" candidates are, ones who can reliably be counted on to fight for the issues their voters chose them to defend. Many over the last 15 years have not. These RINOs need to be primaried out, and replaced by true conservative Republicans.

Since 2000, I've given up on voting for independent candidates who make absolutely no difference, and only get at best 1% or 2% of the vote.

I'm still of the opinion that you're a dishonest rabid liberal PRETENDING to support people like Ron Paul, when in truth you're a Democrat who has for over a decade here voiced contempt for the very voters and leaders who are the clear manifestation of Ron Paul conservatism (the Tea Party movement, Paleo-conservatism, and Donald Trump and the MAGA movement) who have achieved Ron Paul's goals far more effectively than Ron Paul himself ever could have.

You've clearly expressed your rabid support for Occupy Wall Street, manifesting your off-the-deep-end Leftism. You are a Leftist who only likes Republicans who can't win, ones who attack other Republicans, ones who divide the Republican party. As you endlessly hurl profane invective at Trump and Republicans.
You are deliberately evasive about precisely what it is you believe and support, but this much is clear. You like and source the most rabidly liberal and dishonest media (CNN, Politico, Washington Post, New York Times, and sources even more overtly rabid-Left), leftist news outlets who work in collaboration with the Democrat party, probably in daily morning conference calls, in what narrative they promote, in complete subservience to the Democrat-Bolshevik party.