Originally Posted by iggy
So...in twenty years you've read Pat Buchancan, right-wing propaganda sites, and OBAMANOMICS! by Tim Carney and turned into a psychopath that would string up his former self as a communist? Okay.

I'm sure in your hate-filled unhinged mind, that above sentence made sense, but in reality it didn't.
I think you are reaching Ted Kaczynski levels of detachment and pure crazy.

I've read a lot more books than that, pinhead. And what you describe as "right wing propaganda sites" are, in fact, mainstream conservative news. And many of them not even conservatives, but liberals who while not conservatives, are outraged by the unhinged bias and radical-Leftist Bolshevik power grab that is being attempted by the united-front liberal media, radical-leftist tech companies and social media, and the Democrat-Bolshvik party, who are trying to establish authoritarian one-party rule in the United States.
Journalists like John Solomon, Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald, Ron Kessler, Bernard Goldberg, John Stossel, those are all undeniably mainstream award-winning reporters.

And as I've pointed out....

Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election

There are extensive examples to confirm that it is in fact the liberal media that YOU exalt, that are in fact, the true propagandists.
Fox News, Newsmax, FBN, Wall Street Journal, the American Conservative, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Rasmussen, New York Post, The Federalist, Revolver News, Rebel News, Human Events, Substack, MRC.org, and American Greatness, are all pretty mainstream and accessible news organizations who hire journalists to write actual news stories, not propaganda opinion blogs.

And I would hold any of them in higher regard than (as Sharyl Atkisson sourced extensively) the overtly partisan propagandists who have been caught deliberately getting stories wrong for over 10 years on event after event. From Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, the Sandy Hook shooter, the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter, to selective omission of Rev. Jeremiah Wright ties to Obama, selective omission of William Ayers' ties to Obama.
The Hillary Clinton Benghazi negligence (10 years later and STILL no one has reported where either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were during the hours of that attack.)
The Hillary Clinton e-mails on a private server, that compromised top-secret documents to the Russian and Chinese spy hackers on a daily basis for four years (THAT doesn't bother you, but this contrived thing about documents at Mar A Lago does?!?)
The partisan reporting that I sourced and linked repeatedly in a topic during Occupy Wall Street fiasco protests, that was sometimes so egregious newspapers and broadcast news networks had to fire reporters.
And from 2015-present, literally DOZENS of stories about Donald Trump where the media over and over DELIBERATELY got it wrong, so intense was their Trump-hate and their zeal to destroy Trump, by any deceitful means. And yet it blew up in their faces, over and over. Failed. Exposed. Over and over.

So yeah, when you source CNN or MSNBC, or Politico, or Washington Post, or New York Times, you're essentially quoting liberal opinion blogs that agree with your unhinged partisan opinion and hatred. And if you doubt that, just look at the above examples quoted by Sharyl Attkisson.

A New York Times so hostile to reporting objective news, that a mass of N Y Times employees harassed reporter/editor Bari Weiss into quitting, just for giving Sen.Tom Cotton equal time in an editorial, in the silly idea of giving balanced coverage to both sides. The New York Times employees have the same mentality as those working for Tass or Pravda.

But yeah, whatever, here I am trying to reason with the mentally ill, so intense is your irrational leftism and Trump-hate.