Originally Posted by iggy
There is a litany of solid takedowns for all those "facts" you cite. And, yes, I mean litany because you and your ilk refuse to believe anything that runs contrary to your narrative, you absolute worst of postmodernist tendencies. It has become boringly routine to prove how wrong you are. Your world is a delusion and everything that attempts to correct that for you is "propaganda" and "LIBERAL MEDIA." You've built your own loser prison, chump. Good luck rotting with the rest of the MAGA movement.

That's your standard line, a litany of takedowns, EXCEPT YOU NEVER CAN take them down.

I cite chapter and verse sourced information from award-winning, in many cases Pulitzer winning journalists, and you go back and back to the infantile mantra of LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. RIGHT WING, EXTREMIST, INSURRECTIONIST, etc. etc.

i.e. ...

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopyface, fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc. etc. panic panic

Point: You have NEVER proven me wrong, you just rant profanity and insult-laden (dare I say it?) SCREEDS, that bypass the sourced facts I present. Some of the most acclaimed journalists on the planet. Even more respected for having the integrity to walk away from high-paying 7 figure jobs at mainstream news agencies that have become propaganda networks, to preserve the integrity of their journalism. In Glenn Greenwald's case, a news agency that HE BUILT !

And I'm not "Ilk", YOU are ilk.
I'm a Reagan conservative who has been consistent in my beliefs through multiple presidents over the last 42 years.
You support the Occupy Wall Street chaos, and the Democrat craziness that keeps going further and further Bolshevik-revolutionary-Left, no doubt including the excrement after OWS that has become Antifa and BLM. You cite only partisan leftist propaganda media, and scorn and won't even look at the award-winning journalists I cite, who have proven their integrity, way beyond the Democrat propaganda you indoctrinate yourself to believe.

But hey, here I am reasoning with you, as if you were actually sane.